Understanding Macmillan
We are millions of supporters, professionals, volunteers and campaigners. We give everything we’ve got to support people living with cancer.
About our organisation
More about Macmillan
Information about our charity
Macmillan Cancer Support is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (registered charity number 261017) and as a company limited by guarantee with the Registrar of Companies (registered company number 2400969).
We are governed by our Articles of Association [PDF].
If you would like to learn more about our charity, there are many ways to contact us. We also have details on how to find us.
Safeguarding Policy
The Macmillan Safeguarding Policy sets out our approach to removing, reducing and managing risks within the course of our work.
Modern Slavery Statement
The Macmillan Modern Slavery Statement demonstrates our commitment to ethical trading principles and sets out the measures we have already taken to understand and minimise modern slavery risks.