A table covered in baked good ready for a Macmillan Coffee Morning

Make a difference with Coffee Morning

Pay in your Coffee Morning money, or make a donation, and help us do whatever it takes for people living with cancer.

Make a difference with Coffee Morning

Pay in your Coffee Morning money, or make a donation, and help us do whatever it takes for people living with cancer.

How to be part of Coffee Morning

Coffee Mornings are a great way to bring people together for a slice of something nice. You can host your event on any day that suits you!

Two women in a kitchen eating cake.
Sign up to host

Register today and we'll send you a fundraising kit with everything you need to prepare for your Coffee Morning.

Two people are mixing ingredients in a clear bowl together in a kitchen. The person on the left has a white and pink chequered top and short brown hair. The person on the right is sitting on a mobility chair. They have short brown hair and are wearing a green Macmillan t-shirt.
Plan your Coffee Morning

Read our tips on how to host your Coffee Morning anytime, anywhere, in any way you like.

A person is sitting down and leaning on a table. They have a raffle ticket book and a pen in their hands. A person is leaning over and speaking to them. The table has a white table cloth on it and a raffle basket with different goods in it like wine and crisps.
Share your event

Fill in our form if you're hosting a public Coffee Morning and want to invite members of your community to join in on the fun.

A person is putting a £5 note in a cardboard Macmillan branded donation box. The box is on a table with many cakes and other treats.
Pay in your donations

Pay in the donations you raised at your Coffee Morning and help us continue to support people affected by cancer.

About Macmillan Coffee Morning

A teacher in a bright pink jumper is placing holding a piece of strawberry over a student's plate.  The plate is on a table decorated for a Coffee Morning. The student is wearing a white top and pink hair ties in their short brown hair.

Every Coffee Morning makes a difference

Donations from thousands of Coffee Mornings, big and small, help raise vital funds to support the almost 3.5 million people in the UK living with cancer, from the moment they are diagnosed, throughout treatment and beyond. Sign up today and help us to do even more!

Get ready for your Coffee Morning

Total money raised in 2024: £17,396,244

This is enough to fund 256 Macmillan nurses for a year.
Three people are standing up and holding plates with different treats on them. Two people appear to be laughing. They look like they are inside a building.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to lots of common Coffee Morning questions - topics include how to host, Coffee Morning kits, fundraising pages, Gift Aid and more.

View FAQs

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