Macmillan's Annual Report
Read our Annual Report and Accounts to find out more about the work we did to support people living with cancer in 2023. You can download our report in a range of formats or read some of the key highlights below.
The reports are also available in a number of accessible formats.
- Full Annual Report and Accounts (Plain Text) - Access our full report in a format that is optimised for use with screenreaders.
- Annual Report and Accounts Overview (Plain Text) - Access an overview of our report in a format that is optimised for use with screenreaders.
- Annual Report and Accounts Overview (Welsh) - Access an overview of our report in Welsh.
Annual Report and Accounts Overview - British Sign Language
Learn more about Macmillan's Annual Report in our British Sign Language (BSL) translation below.
Supporting people living with cancer
We estimate there are currently almost 3.5 million people living with cancer in the UK. Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be an extremely difficult time and affect many aspects of someone’s life.
In 2023, we helped more than 2.3 million people affected by cancer, 250,000 more than in 2022. Macmillan's ambition is for everyone in the UK to receive the best cancer care there is.
Sal's story
Financially, cancer has not been kind to me. Being diagnosed with cancer during a cost of living crisis feels like we’re running just to stay still.
Since I got cancer, we can’t afford to turn the central heating on. I get cold because of tamoxifen and just have to hide under lots of blankets.
Macmillan has helped me keep my head above water by providing us with a one-off grant. This was a lifesaver.
A note from our Chief Executive, Gemma Peters
Since starting as Chief Executive in January 2023, I have seen how deeply Macmillan’s work is intertwined with people’s experience of cancer in the UK. I have seen how there is almost no aspect of the cancer experience that Macmillan has not sought to improve and I’ve been inspired by how many bold ideas there still are about how we could dramatically improve cancer care in the UK.
I’d like to say a heart-felt thank you to everyone who has supported Macmillan in 2023: from the supporters who continued to raise vital funds for people with cancer, to those living with or affected by cancer who shared their experiences, encouraging us to do better and go further than we have before. I’d also like to say an enormous thank you to Macmillan’s colleagues, volunteers and healthcare professionals who are so dedicated to meeting the needs of people with cancer.
What we achieved in 2023
How we helped
How we raised our money
In 2023, Macmillan generated income of £232.5 million, an increase of 2.4% from 2022. Macmillan remains almost entirely funded by charitable donations from the public, with 98% of its income in 2023 coming from fundraising activities, and the remaining 2% from grant income, charitable activities, and investments.
Total income: £232.5 million
Legacy income: £93.1 million
Legacy giving is when people leave a gift to us in their will. Find out more about gifts in wills.
- Discounting adjustment: £0.6 million
Donation income: £116.5 million
- Fundraising events: £51.4 million
This includes national, challenge and local events.
- Direct marketing: £26.5 million
This is money raised by activities like direct debit campaigns and mailings.
- Corporate income: £19.1 million
This is income from corporate supporters and partners.
- General donations: £12.5 million
This is general donations from the general public.
- Philanthropy: £4.5 million
This includes income from trusts and major donors.
- Local fundraising committees: £2.3 million
This is donation income raised by fundraising committees in their local committees.
- Donated services and facilities: £0.2 million
This is services and facilities donated to us.
Grant income: £1.4 million
We also receive income from grants which we apply for, these typically come from organisations and the government. These include The Scottish Government funding for our Transforming Cancer Care Programme and the Sussex Cancer Fund funding the Macmillan Horizon Centre, Brighton.
Income from charitable activities: £1.8 million
Income from social impact investments for end of life care and other charitable activities.
Trading activities: £17.8 million
This includes income from our raffles and lotteries, fundraising committee sales, our online shop, licensing and royalties.
Investment income: £2.5 million
Income from our diverse investment portfolio which includes government and non-government bonds, money market funds and equities.
How we spent our money
Macmillan continued to increase its spend on its services for people living with cancer in 2023, totalling £184.9 million. This is up from £178.7 million in 2022.
Total spend: £265.2 million
What we spend on charitable activities: £184.9 million
Healthcare: £59.3 million
Financial support: £43.2 million
Campaigning and raising awareness: £25.5 million
Information and support: £45.4 million
Practical and emotional support: £23.4 million
Learning and development: £8.8 million
What we spent on raising income: £80.3 millionExpenditure on raising income includes the costs incurred in raising legacy income, donation income, grant income and income from trading activities, including apportioned support costs.
2023 highlights - doing whatever it takes
Our past reports and accounts
Access current and past editions of our annual report and accounts.
Access lists of grants made to institutes and partner organisations.