Macmillan at Work - training and support for employers

If you’re an employer it's important for you and your managers to know how best to support your employee with cancer and understand your legal obligations. To achieve this we provide expert support including masterclass webinars and a free toolkit.

What is Macmillan at Work?

A woman sat at a table with a laptop

Macmillan at Work offers training and resources to employers to enable them to provide better workplace support for employees living with or affected by cancer.

We work to raise awareness about the rights of people with cancer in the workplace. We support HR and line managers to feel more confident dealing with cancer in the workplace.

To take advantage of our expertise join Macmillan at Work today.

You can then start to benefit from the following:

  • Work and cancer toolkit - This practical resource provides comprehensive guidance and top tips for you and your employees. When you sign up to Macmillan at Work you can order up to 5 free printed toolkits, or receive a PDF version of this resource.
  • Masterclass webinars - By signing up to Macmillan at Work you will be able to book one of our Managing Cancer in the Workplace masterclasses led by expert trainers. See the information below to help choose the best one for your organisation’s needs.
  • Regular newsletter - Get the latest news and updates on how to support employees who are living with or affected by cancer straight to your inbox.

Sign up to Macmillan at Work

Masterclass webinars

Our webinars are for people working in HR and line managers.  

The main benefits are:

  • You can choose a masterclass which is suitable for your organisation. See below for the different options.
  • They are highly interactive and feature real personal stories, small group sessions, whole class discussions, and the chance to ask questions.
  • Small class sizes, limited to 15 people to provide a better learning experience.
  • You can get lifelong access to our excellent e-learning course, Cancer in the Workplace for Managers.

We have more information about the types of webinars we offer below:

Types of masterclass

  • Cancer in your workplace masterclass (in-house session)

    This masterclass is run exclusively for line managers and HR staff in your organisation. It gives them the skills and knowledge they need to provide high-quality workplace support for employees with cancer or a colleague who is caring for a loved one with cancer.

    • 3 hours 
    • Up to 15 participants
    • £970 for a private sector organisation
    • £820 for a public or third sector organisation

    It also includes the latest employment law, highlighting the legal responsibilities that employers have.

    Course content:
    • Cancer treatment and side effects, and the impact they can have on a person and their work.
    • How to talk about cancer and listen effectively.
    • How to support the needs of an employee who is caring for someone with cancer.
    • Reasonable workplace adjustments to support someone affected by cancer.
    • Supporting a bereaved person or someone nearing the end of life.
    • The Equality Act and the Disability Discrimination Act.
    • Where to access information and support to help an employee with cancer during the coronavirus pandemic.

    Contact the Macmillan at Work team now to book this webinar.

  • Cancer in your workplace masterclass (open session)

    This webinar is open to managers and HR professionals from different organisations. It will help them to provide high-quality support to employees affected by cancer.

    • 3 hours
    • Up to 15 participants
    • £170 per person from the private sector
    • £140 per person from the public or third sector

    New dates added: 


    Tuesday 29 April 0930 - 1230 - PLACES AVAILABLE

    To register your interest please email us at

    Our open webinar is perfect if you want to book a small number of places.

    Specifically designed for line managers and HR professionals, it will help increase their understanding of the legal obligations they have to an employee with cancer or affected by cancer.

    Previous attendees have said they benefited from the sharing of ideas with people from other organisations.

    Masterclass content
    • Cancer treatment and side effects and the impact they can have on a person and their work.
    • How to talk about cancer and listen effectively.
    • How to support the needs of an employee who is caring for someone with cancer.
    • Reasonable workplace adjustments to support someone affected by cancer.
    • Supporting a bereaved person or someone nearing the end of life.
    • The Equality Act and the Disability Discrimination Act.
    • Where to access information and support to help an employee with cancer during the coronavirus pandemic. 

    Contact the Macmillan at Work team now to book this webinar


  • Train the trainer masterclass (in-house session)

    This masterclass is for internal trainers in your organisation. One of our experts will train your trainers, so they can deliver bespoke cancer and work training and support for your managers and people working in HR.

    • Prices start from £5,000 per session for a private sector organisation
    • Prices start from £3,500 per session for a public or third sector organisation 

    The train the trainer masterclass offers your organisation the skills and resources ait needs for a sustainable cancer and work training model for your large workforce.

    Contact the Macmillan at Work team for the latest news about this masterclass.

Book your webinar

If you would like to attend an upcoming webinar please email

Have further questions?

The Macmillan at Work team are here to answer your questions and discuss any training needs you may have.

Email the team at or call us on 020 7840 4725.


Your donation will help us be there for people living with cancer.

Donate to the Macmillan at Work JustGiving page*.

If you'd like to fundraise for Macmillan, we have events and ideas.

*please note that all donations received will go direct to Macmillan and it is not guaranteed that your donation will directly fund Macmillan at Work.

Host a workplace Coffee Morning

Bring your team together with a Macmillan Coffee Morning to raise money for people living with cancer.