Fundraising ideas for kids A-Z

Stuck for ideas of how to fundraise with kids? Take a look at our A-Z of fundraising ideas which can be used at school, at home or in your local community.

A: Art attack

Get the kids creative, painting works of art or a massive collage, all to raise money.


B: Bounce

Dust those space hoppers off and ask friends and family to donate per bounce. Who can bounce the furthest? Or why not make it competitive and have races on the school field.


C: Cake sale

Macmillan Coffee Morning isn't just for the caffeine addicts among us. Swap the coffee for fruit juice and host a 'Coffee' Morning at school.


D: Dance off

Has your school got the moves? Why not hold a non-uniform day with a twist? Ask your kids to bring in a donation and don their favourite dance outfit for the day. Think jiving in jeans, twirling in tutus and hip-hopping in hoodies.


E: Egg hunt

You know the drill. Squirrel away some chocolate and charge friends and family to hunt for it. Be inventive with your hiding places – everyone loves a challenge, especially when there are sweeties at stake. And why wait 'till Easter?


F: Fair

When you're holding your summer fair you can also have fun fundraising for Macmillan. Bake treats that will sell like hot cakes, host raffles or have a bric-a-brac sale.


G: Guess the...

Sweets in a jar is an old favourite, but let's get creative. How about footballs in a car? Baked beans in a bucket? Pound coins in a sock? Chocolate bars in a dustbin? Scotch eggs in a goldfish bowl?


H: Halloween party

Whatever way you look at it, Halloween is a great time to raise money. Apple bobbing, fancy dress or Halloween-themed cakes are all a good way of piling up the pennies, not to mention some classic trick or treat fun.


I: It's a knockout

Your kids might not remember this 70s classic, but are sure to have lots of fun recreating wacky events with greasy poles, water cannons and custard pies aplenty.


J: Joke-a-thon

Have your friends in stitches with a joke-a-thon. How long can you keep your friends laughing? If the jokes are really bad, make them pay to leave.


K: Kick off

Get loads of teams together, play football and have a football marathon with 16, 32 or even 64 teams playing hours of football and raising money.


L: Litter pick

Help your local community while fundraising by cleaning up your local streets, parks, playgrounds or beaches. Many hands make light work - and neighbours who can't or don't want to get involved themselves can sponsor you to keep their communities clean.


M: Marathon events

Usually when the school bell rings you can't leave quick enough. But, why not make the most of your school hall and hold a marathon event – like 24 hours of table tennis, aerobics, line dancing or badminton (in shifts, unless you're feeling really brave).


N: Non-uniform day

Casual clothes day, own clothes day, home clothes day, non-uniform day, civvies day, dress down day – whatever you call it, kids love it. You could also do bring a game to school day.


O: Odd jobs

There are always odd jobs that your neighbours don't want to do. Swap a donation for a bit of lawn mowing, car washing or dog walking.


P: Pyjama party

Perfect for younger kids, come to school or nursery ready for bed for a small donation. Favourite teddies get to join the party for free!


Q: Quiet!

The sound of silence in a school. Unheard of? Not if you challenge pupils to take part in a sponsored silence to raise money for Macmillan.


R: Raffle

Roll up, roll up. Ask friends and family to donate prizes and then sell as many tickets as you can at school.


S: Sports day

Get kids running, skipping, jumping, and even carrying an egg on a spoon. Make your annual sports day a day for Macmillan by charging a small entrance fee, sponsoring pupils per lap or race, and holding a collection as proud parents watch and cheer their children on.


T: Teachers vs students

The ultimate friendly rivalry. Whether it's football, dodgeball or netball, pitting teachers against students is a great way to raise money. You could also put a teacher in the stocks and have sponges thrown at them. That is if they're brave enough.


U: Uniform switch

We've had non-uniform day, but how about uniform switch day! Kids get to dress up like their teachers, while teachers have to do their best Britney impersonation and get the school uniform out for the day.


V: Virtual challenge

Challenge your class or club to run 100 miles, row across the Channel or ride from Land's End to John o' Groats. Use PE lessons to rack up the miles.


W: Wacky races

Ducks – real or plastic. Snails – don't make the course too long. Sheep – ewe better keep an eye on them. Toy cars – feel the need for speed on the Scalextric track.


X: X marks the spot

Why not throw a pirate-themed day? Will your teacher end up walking the plank? Or make some maps for the kids to find some buried treasure.


Y: Yo-yo championship

Taking part in a yoyo tournament can be a very up and down experience but we think you have what it takes.


Z: Zzz…

It's just like making money in your sleep. Actually, that's exactly what a sponsored sleepover at school is all about. What could be easier than that?


Find out more about fundraising at your school or university