
Balancing work and caring can be demanding. If you're finding it difficult to juggle work and support your loved one, you're not alone.

Cancer and carers

Balancing work and caring can be demanding. If you're finding it difficult to juggle work and support your loved one, you're not alone. You have rights at work and there are laws in place to support you.

How to talk to an adviser

Our Work Support Service helps people with cancer and their carers understand their rights at work after a cancer diagnosis. It offers guidance on how to talk to employers, negotiate adjustments at work, sick pay and taking time off. It can also refer people who need it to one-off legal advice.

You can contact the Work Support Service using the Macmillan Support Line for free on 0808 808 00 00.
Our work advisers are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Further information

There are a range of issues that we know affect people caring for someone with cancer who are working:

  • Your rights at work
  • Talking about your caring responsibilities at work
  • Making decisions about work

You can find out more about these topics from our Working while caring for someone with cancer booklet.

We also have more information on:


Booklets and resources

How we can help

Clinical Information Nurse Specialists
Our Cancer Information Nurse Specialists are dedicated cancer nurses available to talk to on our Macmillan Cancer Support Line. 
Macmillan Support Line
The Macmillan Support Line is a free and confidential phone service for people living and affected by cancer. If you need to talk, we'll listen. 


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Our specialist money advisers can give you free and confidential advice and help you to find out what benefits and financial support you might be entitled to.