We can help you find practical and emotional support at the end of life.
Palliative care may include symptom management, emotional support, and care at home. It is not only about end of life care.
There are many practical and emotional issues to work through when you know you are reaching the end of your life.
If you are nearing the end of your life, you may have practical and financial affairs you want to sort out.
This page explores how finding out you are near the end of life may impact your relationships, thoughts and feelings, and where you can find support.
Preparing to tell a child or teenager that someone they’re close to isn’t going to get better can be very difficult. We have advice to help support you.
Children of different ages may have different reactions when someone close to them is dying. They may need different kinds of support.
Making a box filled with special things can help your children or other loved ones to remember times that you spent together.
The care you receive at the end of your life may depend on your preferences, as well as the help and support available.
If you choose to die at home, it’s important that you and your carers have as much support as possible.
During the last few weeks of life, you may have emotional and physical changes. Your healthcare team can help you cope with these.
In your last few days of life, you may need more help to keep you comfortable. You may need support with physical care and to manage any symptoms.
Chat online anonymously to others who understand what you are going through. Our community is available 24/7 and has dedicated forums where you can get advice and ask our experts.