Make money one less worry
When you are affected by cancer it can be tough on your finances. Money worries can be confusing and overwhelming. We’re here to help with the support and guidance you need.
The financial impact of cancer
It may not be the first of your worries, but cancer can be tough on your finances. You may earn less if you need to stop working or reduce your hours. You may spend more on everyday costs like heating and travelling to hospital.
But with our support and guidance no one has to face the financial impact of cancer alone. You can deal with your money worries early, so you can get back to the things that matter most.
Find out more about our financial support offer by downloading our Money worries? How we can help leaflet.
You can also call 0808 808 00 00 for free and talk to a Macmillan money adviser. They are available Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.
Find out more about dealing with money, finance and insurance when you have cancer.
Mo on money and cancer
In this video, Mo shares his experience of the financial impact of cancer. He talks about the challenges he faced and how Macmillan supported him.
Sadly, Mo died in 2021. We’d like to thank his family for allowing us to continue sharing his story, so others can benefit from Macmillan’s support.
How Macmillan can help
Cancer can impact your finances. Macmillan are here to help.