Sophie and Emma, running at the London Marathon for Macmillan

TCS London Marathon

Join Team Macmillan for the world-famous London Marathon in 2025. Feel the buzz of the crowds, run past London’s most iconic landmarks, before finishing the race by Buckingham Palace.
27 April 2025
Registration fee: £100

Fundraising pledge: £2500

You will have two weeks to pay your registration fee, from the date your offer was made.

We have now filled all of our charity places for the London Marathon 2025 but you can still join Team Macmillan with your own place if you've got an existing ballot place through the London Marathon.

How to enter the London Marathon

"An amazing day running for an awesome charity, thanks for the support along the route!"

Why Should I Join Team Macmillan?

Icon T-shirt

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Three people photographed from behind with their arms around each other wearing green Macmillan running tops

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