A No7 Boots Macmillan Beauty Advisor is laughing with a customer

Super Surgeons: A chance at life

Supporting the new series of the Channel 4 documentary, we reveal the impact of cancer in a series of short films, following Macmillan behind the scenes as we do whatever it takes to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can. 

Whatever It Takes short films

The stories from Super Surgeons

Series 2 Episode 1

A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking at the camera

Anthea's story

Aspiring midwife Anthea, 18, has a tumour in her arm so difficult to access that her doctors say they may have to amputate. The prospect of losing her arm may swiftly end Anthea’s dreams of helping to deliver babies, but Professor Andy Hayes offers a potential solution.

Find out more about soft tissue sarcoma
A cancer patient and friend featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries

Cameron's story

Cameron, 43, was surprised to find his testicular cancer had returned, having already had both testicles removed several years earlier. The aggressive cancer has not responded to chemotherapy. Professor David Nicol is hoping to offer Cam one last roll of the dice, with a radical procedure. 

Find out more about testicular cancer

Series 2 Episode 2

A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking at the ground

Rich's story

Rich, 53, was diagnosed with an epithelioid fibrosarcoma in his mouth 12 years ago, with the cancer returning multiple times over the next decade. But the latest development is the most daunting yet – with a large tumour stretching from his jawline to his heart. Professor Vin Paleri looks to delicately remove the tumour, potentially sacrificing a major artery in the process. 
Get help if you are worried about cancer
A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking at the camera

Tracy's story

Tracy, 65, has been married to the love of her life, Martin, for over three decades. What started as a small growth in her rectum has developed into stage 4 bowel cancer and has spread through the bowel wall to her vagina. Colorectal surgeon Mr Shahnawaz Rasheed must perform one of the most radical surgeries that can be done at The Royal Marsden, known as a pelvic exenteration, removing almost all the organs in Tracy’s pelvis.
Find out more about bowel cancer

Series 2 Episode 3

A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking off camera

Lauren's story

Lauren, 30, has a very rare cancer called myxoid-liposarcoma, which keeps coming back, limiting the plans she can make for her future. Consultant Surgical Oncologist Myles Smith hopes he can remove the latest tumour and find an answer as to why it keeps coming back. 
Learn more about cancer coming back
A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking out of a window

Matthew's story

Matthew, 74, has lived a full life, travelling the world with a family he adores. So when he was first diagnosed with cancer 12 years ago, he had no intention of giving that up. A decade, and three cancers later, he faces his biggest surgery yet to remove a tumour between his oesophagus and his stomach. 
Learn more about oesophageal cancer

Series 2 Episode 4 

A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking off camera

Jonathan's story

Fitness fanatic, Jonathan, 48, has a rare melanoma in his abdomen. A recent scan showed the cancer had spread to his oesophagus, and immunotherapy isn’t working. With his options running out, a pioneering robot surgery might be the only hope of giving Jonathan more time. 
Find out more about melanoma
A cancer patient featured on the Super Surgeons docuseries looking at the camera

Dave's story

 After 30 years of working as a postman – Dave, 66, was told the pain in his back was likely due to his work. A few scans later and Dave is now facing a major operation which hopes to remove a large vascular tumour wrapped around his left kidney.
Learn more about kidney cancer

Series 1 Episode 1

A Macmillan Professional giving an explanation while holding a Macmillan booklet

Dimitros' story

Photographer Dimitrios, 32, has a rare form of aggressive hard to treat cancer known as Sarcoma. Surgeon Mr Andy Hayes must perform a complex procedure to try and save Dimitrios’ arm.

Learn more about sarcoma

Lizzie's story

Lizzie, 37, has been living with incurable bowel cancer since 2018. Surgeon Mr Ricky Bhogal hopes to give Lizzie the gift of more time by performing a high-risk operation to remove new cancer growth in her abdomen.
Learn more about the symptoms of bowel cancer
Image from the CHannel 4 docuseries, Super Surgeons. A photo of a woman, who is looking directly at the camera.

Jade's story

Mother of one Jade, 41, has a tumour in her throat, attached to her voice box. In order to try and save Jade’s voice, Professor Paleri must use a surgical robot and attempt a procedure which has never done before. Even the smallest of errors could destroy Jade’s ability to swallow or speak forever.
Learn more about throat cancer

Series 1 Episode 2

Image from the Channel 4 docuseries, Super Surgeons. A close-up photo of a woman, who is looking directly at the camera.

Janet's story

Janet, 55, discovered that she had pancreatic cancer during the pandemic. Investigations reveal the cancer is wrapped around Janet’s portal vein – which if compromised during surgery would be fatal. Specialist surgeon Mr Ricky Bhogal must take on this complex surgery, removing the tumour completely and freeing it from the vein in order to give Janet a chance of cure.
Find out more about pancreatic cancer
Image from the Channel 4 docuseries, Super Surgeons. A photo of a man in a hospital bed, who is looking directly at the camera.

Peter's story

Peter, 70, has a fast-growing tumour in his tongue and in the back of his mouth. Professor Vin Paleri must establish if Peter is viable for complex and high-risk surgery, which would take tissue from Peter’s leg to reconstruct the throat. Surgery is the last hope in order to try and save Peter’s life.
Learn more about head and neck cancer

Series 1 Episode 3

Image from the Channel 4 docuseries, Super Surgeons. A photo of a man, who is looking directly at the camera.

Ian's story

Ian, 70, has a large retroperitineal sarcoma; a rare cancer growing in the back of the abdomen. If left, the tumour will continue grow, resulting in organ failure. Mr Dirk Strauss hopes to remove the enormous tumour whole, giving Ian a second chance at life.
Find out how Macmillan can help
Image from the Channel 4 docuseries, Super Surgeons. A photo of a woman, who is looking directly at the camera.

Melissa's story

Melissa, 44, recently had a fibroid removed from her womb, results showed the fibroid contained a very rare form of cancer. Ms Marielle Nobbenhuis is worried the cancer is spreading and must remove Melissa’s entire reproductive system to save her life.
Learn more about womb cancer
Image from the Channel 4 docuseries, Super Surgeons. A photo of a man, who is looking directly at the camera.

Will's story

Will, 51, has throat cancer. Professor Vin Paleri will attempt to reconstruct Will’s entire windpipe to save his voice. One small cut a millimetre in the wrong direction and Will could be left without a swallow or ability to speak.
Learn about the symptoms of throat cancer

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