
If you have cancer, it can be difficult to know how to talk to your employer about it. We have advice and support to help as well as information about your rights at work.

Cancer and work

Cancer can cause uncertainties in your work life. You may not know how it will affect work in the short term or in the future. We know it can be difficult to know where to start or what to say.

We provide a range of information and services to help you understand your options and rights as well as emotional and financial support to help you find your best way through.

Booklets and resources

Your rights at work

If you have or have had cancer, you are protected by law from unfair treatment at work for the rest of your life. This means that it is unlawful for an employer to treat you less favorably (discriminate against you) because of cancer. Under equality laws, employers should try to support you. This includes making reasonable adjustments to help you stay in or return to work when you are ready and able.

We have further detailed information on your rights at work.

How to talk to an adviser

Our Work Support Service helps people understand their rights at work after a cancer diagnosis. We offer guidance on how to talk to employers, negotiate adjustments at work, sick pay and taking time off. We can also refer people who need it to one-off legal advice.

You can contact the Work Support Service using the Macmillan Support Line for free on 0808 808 00 00. Our work support advisers are available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Further information

Booklets and resources