Campaigners queueing outside UK parliament

General Election 2024

Cancer care is at a tipping point and real people’s lives are in the balance. But it doesn’t have to be this way.  

This General Election marks a critical moment to transform people's experience of living with cancer. Together, with politicians and partners, we can revolutionise cancer care for people now and in the future.

The next UK Government must prioritise a long-term strategy that reimagines how we treat people with cancer. Not only treating the cancer, but the impact on every aspect of a person’s life, including healthcare, finances, work and housing, so that their care truly revolves around who they are and what they need. Making sure they can access the right care and support every step of the way.

For this to happen we need dedicated campaigners like you to make your voice heard. Our simple tool will write to all your local candidates standing in this election and ask them: will you transform cancer care in the next Parliament? 

Why cancer care must be a priority

Jules sits in a waiting room and is in pain.

More people being diagnosed

A photo of a healthcare professional in a blood test department (Phlebotomy).

Rising demand on services

Jai and Mandeep are sitting in chairs in a waiting area. Jai is wearing a long, dark coat and is holding open a booklet. Next to him is Mandeep who is wearing a long sleeved white top. Both appear to be talking to each other.

Waiting lists hitting record highs

Inequalities in healthcare

Jackie on waiting too long for tests and treatments

Macmillan General Election blog series

Stay up-to-date with the latest information and find out about new ways to get involved in our General Election blog series.
Male nurse and woman
Cancer care is ‘stuck in the noughties’

We have published new analysis revealing that cancer survival rates in the UK are as much as 25 years behind other European countries. 

The Houses of Parliament, UK
Manifesto breakdown

All major UK parties are now publishing their manifesto commitments, but what do they each include on cancer care? Here are some key takeaways.

Lady wearing Macmillan lanyard taking notes
5 things you can do now

Have you been inspired to campaign in your local community and don’t know where to start? We have you covered with these five simple steps.

How you can help

There are lots of ways you can get involved to help us call on the next UK Government to revolutionse cancer care for everyone.