Understanding the early cancer diagnosis PCN DES

A mini-series of short videos, featuring CRUK GPs and Macmillan GPs sharing their tips and advice for delivery of the PCN DES specification for early cancer diagnosis.

What are the requirements for PCNs?

The Network Contract Direct Enhanced Service (DES) requirements are in place to support the role of Primary Care Networks (PCN). The aim is to help improve the range and effectiveness of primary care services.

Read the Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) or read the QOF QI changes for 2021/22.

You can also download our toolkit: Early cancer diagnosis quality improvement (PCN DES). This guide can enable you to meet the requirements of both the PCN DES and QoF QI Project for early cancer diagnosis. 

Videos to support you

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and Macmillan Cancer Support have launched a mini-series of short videos.

The videos aim to support GPs and Primary Care Networks (PCN) to improve the quality of care they provide to people with cancer. They also provide support in delivering the contract requirements for the early diagnosis of cancer Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES).

In these videos, CRUK GPs and Macmillan GPs offer advice on a range of issues that we know some PCNs struggle with or have questions about.

These informal videos last between 3 and 6 minutes and are delivered either as ‘talking heads’ or GP clinical leads ‘in conversation’.

The videos aim to address the following:

  • What would make most impact given that GPs continue to be time-poor
  • How to take things forward from last year’s beginnings
  • How the PCN specification is assessed and performance managed
  • How the PCN DES and QOF QI complement each other
  • The inequalities that have been increased by COVID-19
  • How technology can support delivery of the PCN DES

PCN DES top tips

Dr Anthony Cunliffe

In this video

Macmillan GP Cancer Lead, Dr Anthony Cunliffe, provides his top tips for tackling the PCN DES and QOF QI cancer early diagnosis 2021-22. He touches on education, inequalities and safety netting, as well as the support available.

Getting started

Dr Joanna Thomson and Dr Pawan Randev

In this video

CRUK GP Leads, Dr Jo Thomson and Dr Pawan Randev, discuss how Primary Care Networks can get started with work on cancer early diagnosis for the PCN DES 2021-22, and make suggestions for quality improvement activities to consider.

Alignment QOF QI and PCN DES

Dr Maria Wallace

In this video

Macmillan GP, Dr Maria Wallace, highlights areas of alignment between the QOF QI and PCN DES cancer early diagnosis 2021-22, and shares her suggestions for planning quality improvement activities.

Building on activity

Dr Neil Smith

In this video

CRUK GP, Dr Neil Smith, shares his ideas on how Primary Care Networks can plan and build on cancer improvement activity to meet the requirements of the PCN DES 2021-22.

Tackling inequalities

Dr Navdeep Alg

In this video

Macmillan GP, Dr Navdeep Alg, shares his suggestions of how practices and PCNs can better understand and tackle inequalities in cancer to fulfil requirements in the PCN DES 2021-22.

Safety netting and metrics

Dr Ameesh Patel

In this video

CRUK GP, Dr Ameesh Patel, talks about cancer safety netting requirements in the PCN DES 2021-22, including the new cancer safety netting SNOMED code, and what metrics PCNs could look at to inform activities. 

Digital and tech solutions

Dr Tania Anastasiadis & Dr Anthony Cunliffe

In this video

Macmillan GPs, Dr Anthony Cunliffe and Dr Tania Anastasiadis, discuss digital and tech solutions that can support Primary Care Networks to meet requirements of the PCN DES on cancer early diagnosis 2021-22.

Access further support

Useful links

We have also developed a Cancer Care Review page to support Practices with the new QoF requirements.