We encourage those that have finished their treatment to get together and share their experiences, think about recovery and discuss the considerable practical, emotional and everyday challenges that follow Head and Neck Cancer treatment. The group often has the opportunity to ask members of their medical team the recovery questions that are raised during their discussion.If you have been diagnosed recently or are currently undergoing treatment for Head and Neck Cancer, we provide support on a one-to-one basis via trained supporters – all previous patients – who can respond to your questions and give you realistic expectations. They can tell you how they got through the difficult periods and give information and advice from a patient’s perspective.
Cancer type(s):
Head & neck cancers
Meetings held in Maggie’s Southampton, University Hospital Southampton, 101-103 Tremona Road, Southampton, SO16 6HT at 2pm on the fourth Thursday of every month. We also have a Zoom virtual meeting on the third Monday of every month at 6.30pm. See our website below for the latest news on all of our meetings.
We offer:
- Cancer information materials
- Counselling
- Information
- Telephone helpline
Catchment area:
South Hampshire built-up area
Opening times:
Not applicable
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Helpline on 0800 0234 550 Free 24/7
- pete@heads2gether.net
- www.Heads2gether.net