A new group to support people diagnosed with a Melanoma in Somerset. Meet on the last Thursday of every month from 2-3pm There is also a private Facebook group for online communication.
Cancer type(s):
Melanoma and Skin cancer
Meetings are held in The Albemarle Centre, Albemarle Road,Taunton, Somerset TA1 1BA from 2pm to 3pm on the last Thursday of every month.
We offer:
- Information
- Self Help & Support Groups
- Signposting to other services
- Support from Health Professionals
Catchment area:
Opening times:
Not applicable
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Claire Lloyd on 01823 342621
- Skincancer.csw@somersetft.nhs.uk
- www.facebook.com/groups/6185217028164470/