WaveWalkers is London’s first dragon boat team for people affected by cancer. Some of us have cancer. Some of us have had cancer. Some of us support or have supported people with cancer. We are a friendly, social, and supportive group. We enjoy the water and, in the process, get fit and active. .Exercise is good for everyone and dragon boating is especially good if you have had breast surgery. We offer: fun, confidence building, exercise, the chance to participate in local, national and international festivals and to be part of a caring understanding community.
Group supports everybody
Catchment area:
London and the South East
Opening times:
Not applicable
Interested in joining us?
Just come along to our next meeting, or get in touch with us on the details below.
Find out more:
- Deryn Howard on 07525 131436 (evenings only) or Jackie Spiby 07917077975
- wavewalkersteam@gmail.com
- www.wavewalkers.co.uk