Transport and parking
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may be able to get free or discounted travel fares. You may also be able to get a Blue Badge to help with parking costs.
Costs of travelling to hospital
Travelling for medical appointments can be expensive if you are having regular treatment and tests. You may be able to get help with your travel costs. Or you may be able to claim back some of the money you spend when travelling for medical reasons.
Claiming a refund
If you must travel to and from hospital for treatment, you may be able to claim a refund under the Healthcare Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS). This can cover:
- your bus or train fares
- some petrol costs
- taxi fares – in some situations.
If you need someone to travel with you to hospital for medical reasons, you may also be able to get a refund on their travel costs.
Who can claim?
You can claim a refund if you get one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit
- Universal Credit (UC) – if you meet certain criteria.
You can also claim a refund if:
- you get, or are named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
- you have a low income – this means you can get help with travel costs as part of the NHS Low Income Scheme.
How can I claim?
You can usually get your refund at the hospital from the cashier’s office. In some cases, you may be able to get an advance payment to help you attend your appointment. You should check before you travel.
You will need to bring the following things to the hospital:
- Proof you are getting one of the qualifying benefits. For example, you could bring your benefit award letter, tax credit exemption card or certificate awarded under the NHS Low Income Scheme.
- Proof of your travel costs, such as tickets or receipts.
- Proof of your appointment, such as your appointment letter or card.
Some voluntary organisations have drivers who can take people to hospital and other places – for example, to the shops. Check at your local library or search online for details of voluntary organisations in your area.
Hospital parking
Hospital car-parking policies are different across the UK:
In England, hospital parking is free 24 hours a day if you have a Blue Badge. Parking is also free if you attend regular appointments to manage a long-term condition. Free parking is available at certain times of day for parents of children who need to stay in hospital overnight. Many hospitals in England give people with cancer free car parking or discounts. You should ask your hospital if they offer these discounts.
In Scotland, hospital parking is free at all hospitals except the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
In Wales, hospital parking is free at all hospitals.
Northern Ireland
In Northern Ireland, hospital parking is free at all hospitals if you are having chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Related pages
Local transport services
If you need help when travelling, there are services and schemes available. Some services are national and will be available to you, while others will be different based on where you live.
Services available across the UK
Free or reduced-cost bus travel
In England, Wales and Scotland, people with a disability can get a free bus pass if they meet certain criteria. Contact your local council for more information.
In Northern Ireland, you can travel for half-price if you get certain disability benefits. Contact Translink on 0289 066 6630 or use textphone 18001 9066 6630. -
Community transport services
If you have problems using public transport, community transport services may be available in your area. For example, there may be services giving door-to-door transport and trips to local shopping centres. Some areas have wheelchair-accessible transport that can pick you up from home. These are sometimes called dial-a-ride services.
To find out what is available in your area, use the Community Transport Association website or speak to your local council. -
Disability Action Transport Scheme (Northern Ireland)
This scheme provides low-cost transport for people with disabilities in Northern Ireland. Find out more at
Local voluntary groups (good neighbour schemes)
Some areas have local groups that offer practical help to people who need it. This often includes help with transport to hospital or to see your GP.
Shopmobility schemes
These provide wheelchairs and scooters to help disabled people get around their local area or shopping centres. In England, Scotland or Wales, call 0844 414 1850 or visit In Northern Ireland, visit or call 0300 10 20 150.
Reduced taxi fare schemes
These schemes are available in some areas. Speak to your local council for more information or visit GOV.UK or
Regional transport services
Patient Transport Services
Patient Transport Services are not available across the UK, but some hospitals offer them. They provide free transport to and from hospital for people with certain needs. This includes:
- people who need special medical support during their journey
- people who have difficulty walking
- parents or guardians of children who are being transported.
A medical professional will need to refer you to any Patient Transport Service at your hospital.
St John Wales
St John Wales can offer transport for people in Wales who have problems using public transport or their own vehicle. Visit their website or call 0292 044 9600.
The Highlands and Islands Travel Scheme
Under this scheme, people from the Highlands and Islands in Scotland can claim a refund on their travel costs to hospital. But you must live or work in the former Highlands and Islands Development Board area. If you need to travel at least 30 miles from your home or more than 5 miles by water to hospital, you can get help with the travel costs.
You must pay £10 of any fare you are claiming unless you are getting certain income-related benefits. If you need someone to travel with you, you can also get help with their travel costs. A healthcare professional must confirm this is medically necessary for you. You should ask your GP or the cash office at the hospital for a claim form.
Isles of Scilly Travel Cost Scheme
The NHS funds transport for all Isles of Scilly residents to get to and from the mainland for hospital treatment. You must pay a £5 booking fee.
London Taxicard scheme
This scheme provides discounts on door-to-door transport for people who find it hard to use public transport because of serious mobility problems. Taxicard holders can travel in licensed London taxis. The discount applies to each trip and there is a maximum fare guarantee. For more information and an application form, visit London Councils or call 020 7934 9791.
There are schemes offering discounts on taxi fares in some areas outside London. You can ask your local council or GP what help is available in your area.
The Blue Badge Scheme
If you have problems with moving around, you may be able to get a Blue Badge. This allows you to park in parking spaces closer to where you need to go. You can usually park for free:
- on streets with parking meters or pay-and-display machines for as long as you need
- in disabled parking bays on streets for as long as you need, unless a sign says there is a time limit
- on single or double yellow lines for up to 3 hours, unless there is a no loading sign.
You may have to pay if you are using some private car parks, such as in hospitals or supermarkets. You need to check the signs in the car park.
You must continue to follow the usual parking rules. For example, you can still get a fine if you park somewhere that could put people in danger.
You automatically qualify for a Blue Badge if you have specific medical conditions or get certain benefits. These include the following:
- Getting the higher mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
- Scoring 8 points or more in the ‘moving around’ area of your Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment.
- Scoring 10 points in the ‘planning and following a journey’ area of your Personal Independence Payment assessment, due to psychological distress. This only applies if you live in England
- Scoring 12 points in the ‘planning and following a journey’ area of your Personal Independence Payment assessment, due to psychological distress. This applies if you live in Scotland or Wales.
For the full list of criteria to automatically qualify for a blue badge, visit GOV.UK or speak to your local council.
If you do not automatically qualify, you can still get a Blue Badge in some situations. These include if you have long-term problems with walking or severe problems using both arms.
How to apply for a badge
If you live in England, Scotland or Wales
Visit GOV.UK or contact your local council.
If you live in Northern Ireland
Apply online at or call 0300 200 7818.
Your healthcare professional or a money adviser may be able to help you fill out the application forms. A Blue Badge costs up to £10 in England, £20 in Scotland and £10 in Northern Ireland. It is free in Wales.
Blue Badges usually last up to 3 years. You must reapply before your current Blue Badge expires.
Special badge schemes
There are special badge schemes for people with restricted mobility who live, study or work in areas where the Blue Badge Scheme does not apply. For example, in London there is a:
- green badge for Camden
- red badge for the City of London
- purple badge for Kensington and Chelsea
- white badge for Westminster.
Visit Disabled Motoring UK’s website for more information.
Tunnels bridges and toll roads
Blue Badge holders and other disabled people pay a reduced rate, or no fee, at some river crossings, bridges and tunnels. In most cases, you must apply in advance to get a discount. Toll discounts can change, so check before you travel.
Contact your local council for advice. If you live in Northern Ireland, call the Blue Badge Unit on 0300 200 7818.
London Congestion Charge and Ultra Low Emission Zone Charge
There is a charge of £15 a day to drive within central London at certain times. If you have a Blue Badge, you do not have to pay the charge. But you must make a one-off payment of £10 to register for this discount.
If you need to pay the Congestion Charge to get to a medical appointment, you may be able to claim this money back from the hospital. A healthcare professional, such as your cancer doctor or nurse, would need to confirm you are too ill to travel on public transport. Remember to keep your receipt for the Congestion Charge so you can claim your refund.
For more information, visit or call 0343 222 1234. You can also use textphone 020 7649 9123.
To help improve air quality, an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) runs all the time in central London. If your vehicle does not meet certain emissions standards, you must pay a daily charge to drive within this zone. This is £12.50 a day for most types of vehicles. It is payable on top of the Congestion Charge.
If you have a Blue Badge, you still need to pay the ULEZ Charge. There is an exception if your vehicle is registered with a disabled or disabled passenger vehicle tax class. This exception applies until 26 October 2025.
Other driving costs
You may qualify for free road tax or a scheme that helps you buy or rent a car, scooter or powered wheelchair.
Road vehicle tax exemption
You may be able to get free road tax if you are disabled. You may qualify if you get any of the following:
- the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) at the enhanced rate
- the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA) at the highest rate
- the War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
- Armed Forces Independence Payment.
If you get the mobility component of PIP at the standard rate, you may qualify for a 50% discount on your road tax.
For more information, call the DVLA vehicle tax service on 0300 123 4321, or visit GOV.UK. You can also speak to your local Post Office.
Motability Scheme
Under this scheme, you can get help to hire a new car, scooter or powered wheelchair instead of getting the cash benefit of:
- the mobility component of PIP at the enhanced rate
- the mobility component of DLA at the higher rate
- the War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement
- Armed Forces Independence Payment.
Contact the Motability Scheme to apply.
Seat belts
If you cannot wear a seat belt for medical reasons, you can get a medical exemption certificate from your doctor. There are also aids and adaptations that make it easier for people with disabilities to wear a seat belt. For more information, speak to your doctor or contact Living Made Easy.
Bus, coach and train costs
There are special rates for bus, coach and train travel for eligible older people and people with disabilities.
A bus pass gives you a reduced price, or often free travel, on local buses. You can apply for a bus pass if you:
- have reached State Pension age in England
- are aged over 60 in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- are disabled and meet the eligibility requirements.
If you live in London, you can travel free on buses, tubes and other transport if you are aged 60 or over. This only applies to travel within London.
There may also be local support towards taxi costs.
How to apply for travel discounts
If you live in England, Scotland or Wales
Contact your local council. You can also ask at your local bus or coach station.
The Disabled Person’s Railcard gives people with mobility needs one-third off their rail fares. If you are travelling with another adult, they will also get the same discount.
A Senior Railcard allows people aged 60 or over to save one-third on rail fares. You can buy a Senior Railcard online at, at a station ticket office, or by calling 0345 3000 250.
If you live in Northern Ireland
Call Translink on 028 9066 6630, or use textphone 18001 028 9066 6630.
People with mobility needs can get 50% off their bus and rail travel. To get this discount, you must apply for a travel card called a Half Fare SmartPass. A 60 Plus SmartPass allows people aged between 60 and 64 to travel free throughout Northern Ireland. A Senior SmartPass allows people aged 65 or over to travel free throughout the island of Ireland. Visit
To get an application form for a SmartPass, visit your local Translink bus or rail station, call 028 9066 6630, textphone 18001 028 9066 6630 or email
For more information about reduced rail fares, you can check at your local train station or visit the National Rail. This website covers rail travel all over the UK.
Related pages
About our information
Below is a sample of the sources used in our financial help and benefits information. If you would like more information about the sources we use, please contact us at
GOV.UK (accessed January 2022).
Benefits and pension rates 2021 to 2022. (accessed January 2022). (accessed January 2022).
This information has been written, revised and edited by Macmillan Cancer Support’s Cancer Information Development team. It has been reviewed by Macmillan professionals and people living with cancer. It has been approved by Macmillan’s Welfare Rights team.
Our cancer information has been awarded the PIF TICK. Created by the Patient Information Forum, this quality mark shows we meet PIF’s 10 criteria for trustworthy health information.
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