A group of people are sitting down on colourful chairs and benches at an office. They appear to be in a meeting. The group seemed to be focused on one individual wearing a dark turtle neck jumper and jeans who is speaking.

National Inclusion Week at Macmillan

National Inclusion week is from Monday 25 September to Friday 1 October. Discover how Macmillan is working towards being an inclusive organisation. 

What is National Inclusion Week?

Macmillan's focus on being an inclusive employer

Open Strategy

Right now we’re working to create a vision of Macmillan that is shaped side by side with the people and communities we exist to support. We’re talking to people with lived experience of cancer, healthcare professionals, colleagues, supporters, volunteers, and partners.

We’re particularly keen on working with marginalised communities who tend to experience the most severe forms of inequalities in healthcare. They are experts in their own experiences and we should be led by their needs and what ultimately matters to them to make sure they get the help and care that is right for them.

Over the next few months we will be talking to people who know and love Macmillan, people who have never heard of us, and even plan to speak to people who have been disappointed by us to ensure we focus our efforts where we can have the biggest impact. Every experience and idea shared will help us shape how we support the growing number of people with cancer.

To find out more about the our open strategy, visit our Transforming Macmillan Together page.

Equity Diversity and Inclusion at Macmillan

Cancer doesn't discriminate and neither can we.

For us to have the most impact in our work, it's essential that everyone sees a part of themselves in Macmillan and that they can relate to us - from our colleagues, our Professionals and our volunteers, to our supporters and the people we support. We aim to reflect and represent the communities we serve in everything we do to support everyone living with cancer.

We're committed to making Macmillan more equitable, diverse and inclusive. We've set out an ambitious strategy to guide the work we all do and the decisions we make.

Visit our careers website to read more about how we are building a representative and inclusive organisation.

Our employee networks

Macmillan wants to ensure that all employees feel heard and have a safe space to connect with others.

We currently have 8 employee networks. All are led by a Macmillan colleague and sponsored by a member of the Executive Leadership team.

The networks are an opportunity to:

  • share learning opportunities.
  • connect with colleagues across the organisation
  • discuss opportunities and ideas to help Macmillan become more equitable, diverse and inclusive
  • share information on support for colleagues
  • invite external organisations to give presentations and discussions
  • discuss topics and issues relevant to the network
  • offer support to colleagues.

Discover more about our employee networks below.

  • The network is for all colleagues who are Black, Asian or another minority ethnic background.

Supporting employers and employees


In addition to our work to make Macmillan a more inclusive workplace, we also want to help employers to be more inclusive.

Macmillan at Work provides information, training and resources for employers to help them support staff affected by cancer.

Find out more

Employees and self-employed

If you have cancer you may be worried about work. You may be worried about talking to your employer about your cancer. Or you may be worried about how cancer may affect you if you're self-employed or run your own business.

Visit our money and work page to discover how Macmillan can help you.

Work for Macmillan

About our information