Cancer statistics in the UK
We study data and fund research to understand the lived experiences of people living with cancer, and to improve outcomes and services.
An overview of UK cancer statistics
Cancer prevalence
The number of people living with cancer
We estimate that there are almost 3.5 million people living with cancer in the UK, an increase from around 3 million in 2020. This number will continue to grow.(reference i).
For more information please visit our main Cancer prevalence webpage.
Cancer incidence
New cases of cancer diagnosed each year
More than 400,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK. On average someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer at least every 90 seconds.
Nation | Every year | Every month | Every week | Every day |
England (2022) | 346,200 | 28,900 | 6,660 | 950 |
Scotland (2022) | 36,000 | 3,000 | 690 | 100 |
Wales (2021) | 19,600 | 1,640 | 380 | 50 |
N. Ireland (2021) | 10,500 | 880 | 200 | 30 |
UK | 412,400 | 34,300 | 7,900 | 1,130 |
The number of people diagnosed with cancer increased by 20% between 2009 and 2019 (reference ii). This is likely due to the growing and aging population who are at higher risk of developing cancer, as well as improvements in diagnosis initiatives and public awareness. Due to the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer incidence in the UK decreased by 12% between 2019 and 2020, but increased again between 2020 and 2021.
Mortality rate
People dying from cancer
Each year, around 167,000 people die from cancer in the UK, an average of 460 people every day.
However, mortality has increased at a much slower rate in comparison to incidence, showing a rise of 7% between 2009 and 2019.
Cancer diagnosis and treatment
Cancer waiting times
For over a decade, published figures on the number of people waiting for a diagnosis or treatment for cancer have shown the huge challenge facing NHS cancer services, with tens of thousands of people waiting for too long for diagnosis or vital treatment. This has been an ongoing issue, but has worsened further in recent years, partly as a result of ongoing staff shortages and the COVID-19 pandemic, across the UK.
Based on the latest published figures, performance against cancer waiting times targets in all UK nations fell to the worst on record in 2023. Our analyses of cancer waiting times are regularly updated and included in Macmillan’s press releases and statements.
For further information on NHS England’s Cancer Waiting Times, including an explanation of how they are measured and their performance, please read Macmillan’s Think. Improve. Change. blog post.
Further cancer waiting times data and information is available across the UK from NHS England, Public Health Scotland, GOV.WALES and the Department of Health in Northern Ireland.
Living beyond a cancer diagnosis
Based on the latest data for median cancer survival in the UK, average survival is now estimated to be over 10 years from diagnosis (reference iv). This is up from the median survival time of one year in the 1970s and six years in 2007 (reference v).
However, there are some noticeable differences in age-standardised net survival rates between different cancer types, with melanoma of the skin recording the highest 1-year (98.0%) and 5-year (92.6%) age-standardised net survival rates and pancreatic cancer the lowest 1-year (27.7%) and 5-year (8.3%) survival among persons in England (reference vi).
Macmillan’s Think. Improve. Change. blog outlines further information on UK-wide cancer survival, particularly for its relatively poor performance on survival for several cancer types, including bowel, lung and pancreatic, in international comparisons, according to one of the latest SURVMARK-2 studies.
While it is clearly good news that more people with cancer are living longer, progress can be a double-edged sword unless those living longer after cancer receive appropriate support. ‘Throwing Light on the Consequences of Cancer and its Treatment’ (and the accompanying lay summary report ‘Cured – But at What Cost?’) reveals another vital aspect of the changing cancer story.
We estimate around one in four (25%) people with cancer are living with the long-term consequences of cancer or its treatment (reference vii).
Times of need and cancer
The cancer journey
Macmillan has identified stages along people’s cancer journey when experiences are commonly shared, with five key moments (diagnosis, treatment, recovery, living with treatable but not curable cancer and end of life) where there is a particularly high level of unmet need.
Cancer experience
Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA)
The Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA or eHNA, in its electronic format) is a questionnaire to identify the concerns of people living with cancer at any stage of the cancer pathway to facilitate a conversation about their needs and to develop a Personalised Care and Support Plan, through their cancer journey.
In 2021, 44,000 eHNAswere carried out through Macmillan’s platform, which helped identify tens of thousands of concerns from people living with cancer. This was a 16% increase on 2020 (reference viii).
Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES)
The Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) is a survey to understand the experiences of people living with cancer, run by NHS England in England, and by Macmillan jointly with the Welsh Cancer network in Wales, Scottish government in Scotland and the Public Health Agency, and Health and Social Care Board in N. Ireland.The most recent national surveys reported mostly positive results (on a scale of 0-10, where 10 is ‘very good’) with key areas for improvement:
- In England, although respondents to the most recent survey (2023) gave an average rating of 8.89 for overall care, only 72.2% of them said they were able to have a discussion about their needs or concerns prior to treatment.
- In Northern Ireland, on average respondents rated their overall care as 9 out of 10, in 2018.
- In Scotland, also in 2018, 95% of respondents to the survey said their care was positive overall, rating it 7 or more, with an area of improvement identified in the provision of emotional or psychological support by healthcare professionals during their treatment, due to 45% of respondents saying they didn’t receive this.
- In Wales, 92% of more than 6,000 people living with cancer who took part in the 2021 survey, selected 7 or more out of 10 when rating their care during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 90% of people saying they were treated with dignity and respect when in hospital. However, 36% of people said that they had not been offered information about how to access financial help or benefits, which given the potential financial impact of a cancer diagnosis should be more widely addressed.
Unfortunately, in terms of variation in experience, analyses of CPES England highlighted that in terms of ethnic and social variation, CPES responses in England have consistently shown, since their first publication in 2010, that people from ethnically diverse groups, as well as the young, the very old and women, overall report a poorer experience of cancer services than White British people. In 2023, White patients gave a score of 8.92 out of 10 for overall experience of care, in comparison with scores of 8.57 (Mixed), 8.55 (Black), 8.62 (Asian) and 8.48 (Other ethnic groups), within the survey.
For a summary of the results from the latest CPES publications from each nation, please visit the dedicated Cancer Patient Experience Survey on Macmillan’s website.
Cancer Quality of Life Survey
Conducted by NHS England and NHS Digital, the Cancer Quality of Life Survey is a national survey composed of two questionnaires. It is focused on general health and quality of life, completed by people with cancer around 18 months after their diagnosis and, for comparison, the general population, in England.
The most recently published results from the Cancer Quality of Life Survey, including questionnaire responses received up to the beginning of February 2024, highlighted a lowest score for its respondents with cancer on overall health (74 out of 100), in comparison to that of the general population (90 out of 100), with respondents with cancer reporting the lowest average score in the quality of life functional categories of work or leisure (74.2 out of 100) activities. Furthermore, analyses of the survey indicated difficulty sleeping (26.3%) as one of the symptom experienced by respondents with cancer which may benefit from further investigation, for its impact on quality of life.
Cancer services
About this information
This page was last updated in February 2025.
i. Analysis based on time-limited cancer prevalence published for each nation in the UK. The relationship to complete cancer prevalence is derived from 2013 complete prevalence (Macmillan-NCRAS Cancer Prevalence Project). This is projected forwards using the UK growth rates in Maddams et al. (2012). This includes all people who have ever had a cancer diagnosis, some people in this group may no longer consider themselves to be living with cancer. See also Calculating Cancer Prevalence. Note that the diameter and distance of the circles in the presented diagram are approximative representations of these data for complete cancer prevalence.
ii. Based on aggregated UK-wide figures for 2002 and 2020, the earliest and latest year for which cancer incidence data is available for all countries in the UK. Figures include all malignant neoplasms excluding non- melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) (ICD-10 codes C00-97 excl. C44. Scotland does not use C97):
- Cancer Registration and Analysis Service NHS Digital (NHSD)
- Public Health Scotland
- Cancer Reporting Tool - Official Statistics - Public Health Wales
- Northern Ireland Cancer Registry Queen’s University Belfast.
iii. Based on aggregated UK-wide figures and average of age-standardised rates are for 2009 and 2019 or 2020, the earliest and latest year for which cancer mortality data is available for all countries in the UK. Figures include all malignant neoplasms excluding non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) (ICD-10 codes C00-97 excl. C44. Scotland does not use C97):
- Cancer Registration and Analysis Service NHS Digital (NHSD)
- Public Health Scotland
- Welsh Cancer Intelligence and Surveillance Unit (WCISU)
- Northern Ireland Cancer Registry Queen’s University Belfast.
iv. Macmillan Cancer Support (2011). Living after diagnosis median cancer survival times. (PDF)
v. Quaresma M, Coleman MP, Rachet B. 40-year trends in an index of survival for all cancers combined and survival adjusted for age and sex for each cancer in England and Wales, 1971-2011: a population-based study. Lancet. 2015 Mar 28;385(9974):1206-18. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61396-9. Epub 2014 Dec 3. Available at
vi. NHS Digital. Cancer Survival in England, cancers diagnosed 2016 to 2020, followed up to 2021.
vii. Macmillan Cancer Support (2013) Throwing light on the consequences of cancer and its treatment.
viii. Macmillan Cancer Support. Annual Report and Accounts 2023.