Mouth Cancer Awareness Month
November is mouth cancer awareness month. Whether you are directly impacted or you'd like to find out more, we have information that can help.
What is mouth cancer
Mouth cancer is also known as oral cancer.
Mouth cancer can start at in any part of the mouth and is one of the most common types of head and neck cancer.
The most common places for mouth cancer to develop are on the side of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. We have more information about mouth cancer.
Symptoms of mouth cancer
The most common symptom of mouth cancer is a mouth ulcer or sore that does not heal in 3 weeks. The areas that may be affected include the:
- inside of the cheeks
- roof of the mouth
- lip
- gum
- tongue.
There are other possible symptoms of mouth cancer. For example, pain in the mouth or red or white patches in the mouth. We have more information about the signs and symptoms of mouth cancer.
If you have any of these symptoms or notice anything unusual for you see your GP straightaway.