Breast reconstruction using tissue from your back (LD flap)
About latissimus dorsi flap (LD) flap breast reconstruction
LD flap breast reconstruction is an operation that creates a new breast shape using tissue taken from your back. The surgeon uses a muscle called the latissimus dorsi (LD) and some overlying fat and skin from your back. They tunnel the flap and its blood supply under the skin below your armpit. This creates a pedicled flap.
The LD flap stays attached to the original blood vessels and blood supply. The surgeon then positions it on your chest to make a new breast shape.
Because the LD flap stays attached to the original blood vessels and blood supply, there is a reduced risk of flap failure in the reconstructed breast.
LD flap and implant reconstruction
You can have a combination of LD flap and implant reconstruction. An expander implant is more common in delayed reconstructions. The implant gives more volume to the breast. The flap covers the implant. This gives the breast a more natural look and feel.
LD flap with implant
Fat transfer (lipomodelling)
Sometimes surgeons use liposuction to take fat from another part of the body. They then inject this into the muscle when you have your breast reconstruction, to create a reconstructed breast. This is called lipomodelling, lipofilling or fat grafting.
It may be used to create a larger breast shape so an implant is not needed.
LD flap with nipple prosthesis, and the scar on the back
Right LD flap reconstruction with fat grafting and nipple graft
Left LD delayed flap reconstruction with fat grafting
Extended LD flap
Occasionally, the surgeon moves a large amount of fat with the LD muscle. This is called an extended LD flap. It may be done so an implant is not needed.
Extended LD flap and nipple reconstruction
Who is it suitable for?
Reconstruction using tissue from the back is usually suitable for breasts of most sizes. But it may not be suitable if you have large breasts.
It may be an option if other types of flap reconstruction are not suitable. This may be due to:
- your general health or medical conditions
- you not having enough fat tissue to reconstruct from other areas of your body, such as the tummy area.
It may not be suitable if you have a job or hobbies that involve:
- using your arms above shoulder height
- regularly swimming, playing tennis, rowing, doing heavy lifting or climbing.
What are the limitations?
- You will have a scar on your back and on the reconstructed breast.
- It may take several months for the muscle in your reconstructed breast to feel part of the breast and not the back. The muscle may twitch sometimes.
- If you have larger breasts, you may need an implant or lipomodelling as well as the LD muscle to match your other breast.
- If you are having risk-reducing surgery and would prefer larger breasts, you may need LD flaps with implants or lipomodelling.
- You may need to have surgery to lift or reduce your natural breast so both breasts are a good match.
- There may be a small bulge under your armpit where the muscle is tunnelled under the skin. You may feel fullness under your arm. This usually improves over time but may not go away completely.
- There may be some tightness in your back after removing the LD muscle.
Front and back view 2 months after skin-sparing risk-reducing mastectomy using a latissimus-dorsi flap (without nipple reconstruction)
Skin-sparing risk-reducing mastectomy using an LD flap and nipple reconstruction (with tattooing)
What are the risks?
With any operation, there are risks, such as infection. There are also some specific risks with this type of reconstruction.
Fluid under the wound (seroma)
This sometimes happens after the breast reconstruction operation but usually gets better within a few weeks.
Numbness and pain
You may have numbness, pain or sensitivity in the area of your back where the tissue was taken from. These symptoms can last for some time and may not go away completely. If this happens, your doctor or nurse can talk to you about how to manage the pain.
Shoulder weakness
After the operation, you may have some weakness in your back and shoulder. This will improve over time. There are other muscles in the back that can make up for the loss of the LD muscle. You should regain full shoulder strength for most activities 6 to 12 months after surgery. But you may have weakness during some movements. For example, you may have problems:
- pushing your arms down to get out of the bath
- raising your arms above shoulder height
- closing the boot of a car.
You can usually return to daily activities without any problems, including sports such as swimming and tennis. But having LD flap surgery can affect your ability to take part in some sports, such as:
- rowing
- rock climbing
- cross-country skiing
- high-intensity racquet sports.
About our information
Below is a sample of the sources used in our breast reconstruction information. If you would like more information about the sources we use, please contact us at
European Journal of Surgical Oncology. Oncoplastic breast surgery: A guide to good practice A. Gilmour et al. Published 5th May 2021. (accessed April 2023)
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Early and locally advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and management. Guidelines. July 2018. Last updated: April 2023. Available from: (accessed April 2023)
European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Early breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Last updated 2019. Annals of Oncology 30: 1194–1220, 2019. Available from: (accessed April 2023)
This information has been written, revised and edited by Macmillan Cancer Support’s Cancer Information Development team. It has been reviewed by expert medical and health professionals and people living with cancer. It has been approved by Senior Medical Editor, Professor Mike Dixon, Professor of Surgery and Consultant Breast Surgeon.
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We want our information to be as clear as possible. To do this, we try to:
- use plain English
- explain medical words
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- make sure important points are clear.
We use gender-inclusive language and talk to our readers as ‘you’ so that everyone feels included. Where clinically necessary we use the terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ or ‘male’ and ‘female’. For example, we do so when talking about parts of the body or mentioning statistics or research about who is affected.
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