Rectal examination
What is a rectal examination?
A rectal examination is when a doctor inserts a gloved finger into your rectum (back passage) to feel for abnormal areas. The rectum is part of the large bowel.
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What a rectal examination is used for
A rectal examination is used to feel for any lumps or swellings in the rectum. It can help to diagnose rectal cancer.
It is also used to feel the prostate, which is very close to the rectum. If there is cancer in the prostate, it may feel hard and bumpy.
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Having a rectal examination
During a rectal examination, you lie on your left side with your knees close to your chest. The doctor gently puts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum. This may be uncomfortable, but it is quick and not usually painful. It will be less uncomfortable if you are able to relax. Tell the doctor if you do find it painful.
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