Dr Paul Ross
Paul is senior medical editor at Macmillan for information about gastro-intestinal cancer and hepatobiliary cancer.
Paul's background
Paul Ross is senior medical editor at Macmillan for information about gastro-intestinal cancer and hepatobiliary cancer. He has been Consultant Medical Oncologist at Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS Foundation Trust since 2004. He is also Honorary Senior Lecturer at Kings College, London.
He has been a member of the NHSE Chemotherapy Clinical Reference Group where he has contributed to various guidelines about cancer drug treatments. He has been a member of the NCRI Upper GI Cancers group, its Hepato-biliary sub-group and the Adjuvant and Advanced Disease Subgroup of the Colorectal Cancer group. He has been principal and chief investigator of trials in colorectal, pancreatic cancer and liver cancers. His main research interest is in improving patient outcomes through testing new drugs, and in using clinical and molecular predictive markers to maximise efficiency while avoiding toxicity.
Learn more about Paul's work
Bowel cancer
The term bowel cancer is normally used to talk about colon cancer and rectal cancer.