Professor Tim Iveson
Tim Iveson was chief medical editor at Macmillan for information about gastro-intestinal cancers and for information about living and coping with cancer until December 2022.
Tim's background
Until December 2022, Tim Iveson was chief medical editor at Macmillan for information about gastro-intestinal cancers, and for information about living and coping with cancer. He has been a consultant medical oncologist since 1995, and specialises in the chemotherapy treatment of gastro-intestinal cancers. He initially worked in Salisbury and Southampton, but now works solely at Southampton where he is the lead cancer clinician.
He regularly participates in clinical trials, including being chief investigator. He has been a member of the NCRI Colorectal Cancer Adjuvant and Advanced Disease sub-group. He was also a member of the NICE Colorectal Guidance Group which drew up the NICE Colorectal guidelines. He strongly believes that people should have access to high quality patient information and became Macmillan’s Chief Editor in 2012.