Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Hub - Larkhall, South Lanarkshire

Information and Support Centres | | Library

The Macmillan information points across Lanarkshire can help you find information you need on living with all aspects of cancer as well as signposting you to the nearest Macmillan drop in centre in Lanarkshire. We cover a wide range of topics for people living with or beyond cancer, family, friends or carers, and people who are bereaved.

At our information point you can take Cancer information, booklets and leaflets away with you for free, or you can stay in the library and read them until you feel you have answers to any questions you have.

Contact us today for free emotional, practical or Money if you are affected by cancer. Life with cancer is still life, we will help you live it. Information is only available during library opening times.


Larkhall Library

Larkhall Area Office, 30 Union Street




Opening times

Monday: 09:15-17:00

Tuesday: -20:00

Wednesday: 09:15-17:00

Thursday: 09:15-17:00

Friday: 09:15-17:00

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

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