Rare cancers
What are rare cancers?
There are hundreds of different types of cancer. Some are more common than others.
Some cancer types have different subtypes. For example, there are many different types of lung and breast cancers.
Different types of cancer are called common, less common and rare.
Percentage of cancer diagnoses per year
Common cancers
In the UK, the most common cancers are types of:
The common subtypes of these cancers make up over half of all cancers in the UK. For every 100 people diagnosed with cancer each year, around 53 people (53%) will have one of these most common types.
Some subtypes of these 4 cancers can be rare types of cancer. We explain why a cancer might be rare below.
Less common cancers
For every 100 people diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK, approximately 47 (47%) will have a less common or rare cancer. About 23 of those people will have a less common cancer type. Many different types of cancers are included in the less common group, including:
But again, there are subtypes of less common cancers which can be described as rare.
Rare cancers
For every 100 people diagnosed with cancer in the UK each year, around 24 will have a rare cancer type. In the UK and Europe, experts believe a cancer is rare if less than 6 in 100,000 people each year are diagnosed with it.
What types of cancer are rare?
There are many different types of cancer considered to be rare. Only a small number of people are diagnosed with these cancer types every year.
You may have heard of some of these before. They include:
But there are many rare cancers that most people have not heard of. These can start anywhere in the body and include:
- types of blood cancer
- cancers affecting the female reproductive organs such as the ovaries, cervix, womb, vagina and vulva
- cancers involving the digestive system such as the gullet (oesophagus), stomach, liver, pancreas, gallbladder and anus
- head and neck cancers such as those affecting the mouth, throat and nasal passages
- cancers that affect the lungs (other than lung cancer) such as cancer of the trachea, and mesothelioma
- cancers that affect the muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments (sarcomas).
We have more information about some of these types of cancer in our A-Z list. We have also linked to some rare cancer types at the bottom of this page.
Why a cancer type might be rare
There are many reasons why a cancer type is rare. It could be for one of the following reasons:
It started in a different type of cellOften cancers start in certain types of cells, such as skin cells or cells found in the lining of organs. A cancer might be rare because it started in a different type of cell, such as a bone cell.
It affects an unusual part of the body
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer and is the 5th most common cancer in the UK. But melanoma that starts in the eye (ocular melanoma) is rare. -
It is a rarer type of a more common cancerNon-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is one of the 10 most common types of cancer. But there are many sub-types of NHL and some of these are rare.
It affects children, teenagers and young adultsCancer only affects a very small number of children, teenagers and young adults. So any cancer diagnosed in someone young is usually a rare cancer.
Diagnosing and treating rare cancers
Rare cancers sometimes take longer to diagnose.
Some more common cancers have screening programmes such as breast, cervical or bowel cancer. This means some people are diagnosed before they have symptoms.
Doctors see the symptoms of common cancers more often, so they are more aware of them. There are guidelines that help GPs decide if symptoms might be caused by cancer. These explain when to refer people for tests or to a specialist doctor. They also explain how quickly this should happen.
The risk of cancer can be higher as you get older so these guidelines may be different depending on a person’s age. Cancer in young people is more unusual. There is usually a more likely explanation for their symptoms. This means it may take longer to diagnose cancer in a child, teenager or young adult.
If you have symptoms
You may have already seen your GP about your symptoms or had tests to look for the cause. But if you still have unexplained symptoms, go to your GP again. You are not wasting your GP’s time by doing this.
We have more information about possible signs and symptoms of cancer.
Going for tests
If the GP thinks your symptoms could be caused by cancer, they will refer you to a specialist. The specialist might organise some tests. They should talk to you about why you need these tests and what they involve. It is important you understand, as you need to give consent to have the tests.
We have more information about tests for cancer and about talking to your healthcare team.
You may have lots of questions for your healthcare team, such as:
What tests do I need and when will they happen?
Depending on the symptom, some hospitals run clinics where you can have all the tests on the same day. Other tests may need to be done on different days or at different departments or hospitals.
When will I get the results?
You do not usually get test results on the day. It can take longer to get some test results than others. For example, scans results may take longer as doctors need to study the scans carefully and write a report. Some tests need to happen at specialist centres or cancer hospitals.
How will I be told the results?
You should ask if your results will be by a letter, telephone call or if you will need to go back to the hospital to see the specialist.
When will you know if I have cancer?
This will depend on how many tests you need and how long it takes to get the results. It is good to know so you are prepared for the wait. Waiting for tests and results can be difficult.
Who can I contact if I have questions or need more information?
You should be given a telephone number to contact if you have any questions or concerns. This might be the department where you have the tests, or it might be a specialist nurse. Ask before you leave so you know who to call if needed.
Your doctors may be able to answer some questions for you. But if you have unusual or unexpected symptoms, or if they suspect a rarer cancer, there may be things they do not know at that time. They may need to refer you to other specialists or hospitals. It might take time for them to be able to give you all the information.
Treating rare cancer
Cancer treatment is usually planned by a team of specialists who work together. This is called a multidisciplinary team (MDT). They have expert knowledge and experience of cancer. The MDT meets regularly. Your cancer doctor or specialist nurse then discusses your treatment plan with you.
There are different MDTs for different types of cancer. Some rare cancers are subtypes of more common cancers. Often these rare subtypes are treated in a similar way to the more common type of that cancer. They are usually managed by the MDT for that cancer type.
But in some cases, treatment is different. You may be referred to another MDT with experience of that subtype. This might be at a specialist centre. For example, if you have a breast lymphoma, you may be treated by a lymphoma specialist rather than a breast cancer specialist.
When the MDT plans your treatment, they think about:
- the type and size of the cancer and whether it has spread (staging and grading)
- your general health
- national treatment guidelines for the cancer (if available).
Cancer experts write national treatment guidelines based on evidence from research about that cancer. There are guidelines for some rare cancers but this is not always the case. Especially for very rare cancers. If there are no guidelines, the MDT will use the best evidence available to help plan your treatment. They make decisions together and this will be added to your medical notes. Your specialist will then discuss the options with you so you can make decisions about your treatment and care.
We have information about different types of cancer treatments. We also have more information about each cancer type.
Second opinion
A second opinion is an opinion from a different doctor about your diagnosis or treatment. If you think you want a second opinion, talk to your specialist or GP first. Tell them your concerns or ask them to explain anything you do not understand.
If you still want a second opinion, you can ask them to arrange it. They are usually happy to do this. It will usually mean seeing another specialist at a different hospital. You may have to travel to another hospital and it could delay your treatment.
Specialist cancer centres
You may need to travel to a different hospital to see doctors who have more experience in the type of cancer you have. You may also have your treatment at this hospital.
But treatments for some rare cancers are the same as treatments used for more common cancers. This may mean your treatment is planned at one hospital but given in a hospital closer to your home.
It is important you know who to contact if you have questions about your care or appointments. There is usually someone who co-ordinates your care. This is your keyworker or clinical nurse specialist (CNS). Ask if you are not sure who this is or how you contact them.
You may find it helpful to keep a record of your treatment and appointments. Or you could ask a friend or family member to help with this. You can also order our Macmillan organiser.
Clinical trials - cancer research
Clinical trials are medical research studies involving people. This type of research helps doctors find what treatments work best for people with rare cancers. There are not as many trials for rarer cancers because it can be hard to find enough people to take part. Sometimes doctors will do a clinical trial involving people with different types of less common or rare cancers, if the cancers have something in common.
Your cancer doctor or nurse may talk to you about taking part in a clinical trial as part of your treatment. This may mean you have a new treatment that is not available anywhere else. Or it might be a new way of giving an existing treatment.
Clinical trials are set up to try to be as safe as possible. If you take part in a trial, the researchers will watch you closely during and after treatment. We have more information about taking part in a clinical trial.
Questions for your healthcare team
Asking questions can make it easier to cope during diagnosis and treatment. It can make you feel more involved in your care. It can also help you to make decisions.
You may want to write down a list of questions to ask. Do not worry about asking all your questions at once. You will have other chances to ask them. It is also okay to ask the same question again. The most important thing is that you understand what your specialist and healthcare team are telling you. This means you can give consent.
Coping with a rare cancer
It is natural to have many different feelings after a cancer diagnosis. But if you have a rare cancer, you may also have other challenges.
The feeling of uncertainty can be greater with a rare cancer. There is often less information available about rare cancers. This means it can be harder for doctors to answer your questions or tell you what may happen.
Many people with cancer feel isolated, but if you have a rare cancer this can be even more difficult. You may need to travel to a hospital far from home for treatment. This can mean time away from the people who usually support you.
The cancer you have may be treated differently from common cancers. You may feel your family and friends do not understand what you are coping with.
Talking to people who have the same type of cancer can be helpful and may make you feel less alone. But it can be difficult to meet people with the same type of cancer when it is rare.
We have advice below on where to get support to help with these challenges.
Coping with difficult feelings
Your cancer team can be an important source of support. Tell them how you are feeling and if there are things you are finding difficult. They can refer you to a psychologist or counsellor if you need specialist help and support.
Focusing on what you can control is one way to help you manage uncertainty. Try to concentrate on what you can influence and do now. This can include:
- talking about what is happening and how you feel
- getting support
- getting involved in your care
- following advice from your cancer team
- focusing on your health and well-being
- asking for help to cope with difficult feelings.
Talking about your feelings
You may feel you need to look like you are coping with everything to protect other people’s feelings. But people close to you usually want to know how you really feel so that they can help and support you. They may find it easier to talk about their feelings if you can talk openly.
Talking about your feelings may:
- stop you going over things in your mind all the time
- help you understand your feelings
- make you feel more in control
- allow you to you work out what might help
- make you feel closer to the people you talk to.
Talk to someone you trust and feel comfortable with. If you find it hard to talk to people close to you, tell your cancer team or GP. They can arrange extra support for you. You can ask your cancer team if there is a patient organisation or local support group for the type of cancer you have. Some patient organisations offer buddy systems. Others offer counselling or relaxation therapies.
Macmillan is also here to support you and your family and friends. If you would like to talk, you can:
- call the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm)
- chat to our specialists online
- visit our rare cancers forum on the Online Community to talk with people affected by a rarer cancer type, share your experience, and ask an expert your questions
- sign up for support from a Macmillan Buddy.
Writing about your feelings
Writing about what is happening can help you express your feelings. You might find this helps you to feel in control. Some people write blogs about their experiences during and after cancer treatment.
Keeping a diary or journal may help you work through problems. Try to include the things that have been positive or helpful, as well as the things you find difficult.
Reading what you have written can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. It can also help you understand what you find most difficult and what has helped you to cope.
Knowing when you need more help
Life can feel difficult when you are anxious. You may start avoiding your friends, family and social situations. This can lead to feeling isolated and low in mood. If these feelings do not improve, or they get worse, it may mean you are depressed.
Sometimes it is difficult to know if you are depressed. It can also be hard to admit you are depressed and to talk about it. Other people may notice and suggest you might need help.
If you think, or someone close to you thinks, you have anxiety or depression, there is help available. You can speak to your GP or specialist cancer team at the hospital. They will listen and offer advice or refer you to a counsellor or psychologist. Your doctor may be able to give medication to help.
We have more information about coping with depression and anxiety. There are also organisations that can help.
Getting information
Knowing more about the cancer type and its treatment can help you cope with your situation. But getting information about a rare cancer can be difficult. You may want to know as much as possible to help you make the best decisions. You may also need information and support to manage any symptoms you have and cope with practical issues, such as work and money.
The first people you should talk to are your healthcare team at the hospital. They know your situation and can tell you about plans for treatment. They can help with emotional support and contact people who can help with any practical issues.
We have information about many types of rare cancers. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can also call our specialists on the Macmillan Support Line for free on 0808 808 00 00, every day from 8am to 8pm.
Even if there is not a lot of information about the type of cancer you have, general information can still help. We have information about:
- coping with signs or symptoms
- how to deal with work or money worries
- how to talk with family and friends about the cancer.
Patient organisations
There are patient organisations for many types of rare cancer. They can offer useful information and support. Patient organisations often know about new treatments and clinical trials. They may have contact with the leading specialists in the UK for that type of cancer.
Some patient organisations have online communities. You can use these to read about other people’s experiences, ask questions and share how you feel. Our Online Community has groups for some rare cancers.
Your healthcare team can tell you if there is a patient organisation for the type of cancer you have.
Looking for rare cancer information online
The internet can offer good-quality, evidence-based information. But there are also many sites with unreliable and misleading information (misinformation). There may not be much online information about rarer types of cancer.
Here are some tips for finding reliable information about rare cancer types:
- Look for websites of patient organisations and well-known charities.
- Look for sites which end with .org (not-for-profit organisations) or .gov (run by the government).
- If you find the same information on several websites, it is more likely that the information is correct. But it is worth checking with your healthcare team.
Be careful if the website is trying to sell products or treatments. You should check with your healthcare team to see if it is right for your situation.
Our A-Z of cancer types has information about some rare cancer types.
Helpful websites for rare cancers
- RareCan is an organisation supporting people with less common and rare types of cancer. It also collects information to improve research into new tests and treatments for rare cancers. You can get help finding clinical trials that might be suitable.
- Orphanet offers information on rare conditions, including cancers. This includes possible treatments, and patient organisations for that cancer. You can also use Orphanet to find out if there are any other names for the type of cancer you have. This can be helpful when you are searching for information.
- Cancer52 is a partnership of over 100 patient organisations for rare and less common cancers in the UK. It offers a list of organisations by cancer type.
- Rare Cancer Support Forum is an organisation for people to share personal experiences and get information about treatment and support.
- EURACAN is an organisation that connects people with rare cancers to healthcare centres across Europe.
About our information
This information has been written, revised and edited by Macmillan Cancer Support’s Cancer Information Development team. It has been reviewed by expert medical and health professionals and people living with cancer.
Below is a sample of the sources used in our rare cancers information. If you would like more information about the sources we use, please contact us at cancerinformationteam@macmillan.org.uk
European Reference Network for rare adult solid cancers, statement and integration to health care systems of member states: a position paper of the ERN EURACAN J.-Y. Blay, P. Casali, C. Bouvier. M. Wartenberg, A. Weinman for the EURACAN Network. Open Access Published: June 14, 2021DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esmoop.2021.100174
Suspected cancer: recognition and referral. NICE guideline [NG12] Published: 23 June 2015 Last updated: 15 December 2021: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng12
Date reviewed

Our cancer information meets the PIF TICK quality mark.
This means it is easy to use, up-to-date and based on the latest evidence. Learn more about how we produce our information.
The language we use
We want everyone affected by cancer to feel our information is written for them.
We want our information to be as clear as possible. To do this, we try to:
- use plain English
- explain medical words
- use short sentences
- use illustrations to explain text
- structure the information clearly
- make sure important points are clear.
We use gender-inclusive language and talk to our readers as ‘you’ so that everyone feels included. Where clinically necessary we use the terms ‘men’ and ‘women’ or ‘male’ and ‘female’. For example, we do so when talking about parts of the body or mentioning statistics or research about who is affected.
You can read more about how we produce our information here.