MAC15371_E03_R After someone dies: Coping with bereavement. Woman walking outdoors with her two children

After someone dies: Coping with bereavement

Published: 02 Oct 2023
Next review: 01 Oct 2026
Edition: 3
MAC15371_E03_R After someone dies: Coping with bereavement. Woman walking outdoors with her two children
This audiobook is about coping when someone you care about has died. It is for the relatives and friends of someone who has died of cancer. This audiobook discusses some of the emotions you may have and the support that can help. It also gives you practical information about what to do and what to expect when someone dies.
Published: 02 Oct 2023
Next review: 01 Oct 2026
Edition: 3
This audiobook is about coping when someone you care about has died. It is for the relatives and friends of someone who has died of cancer. This audiobook discusses some of the emotions you may have and the support that can help. It also gives you practical information about what to do and what to expect when someone dies.

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