MAC12921 E5 Side effects of cancer treatment audiobook cover

Side effects of cancer treatment

Published: 30 Nov 2020
Next review: 30 Nov 2023
Edition: 5
MAC12921 E5 Side effects of cancer treatment audiobook cover
This audiobook is about the possible side effects of cancer treatment. It is for anyone who is having, or thinking about having, treatment for cancer. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.

Visit our Find out more about the physical impacts of cancer and treatment about the physical impacts of cancer and treatment.
Published: 30 Nov 2020
Next review: 30 Nov 2023
Edition: 5
This audiobook is about the possible side effects of cancer treatment. It is for anyone who is having, or thinking about having, treatment for cancer. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.

Visit our Find out more about the physical impacts of cancer and treatment about the physical impacts of cancer and treatment.

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