Managing the bladder late effects of pelvic radiotherapy
This booklet is about the bladder late effects of pelvic radiotherapy. It is for anyone treated with pelvic radiotherapy who has bladder side effects that continue after treatment, or begin months or years later. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.
This booklet is about the bladder late effects of pelvic radiotherapy. It is for anyone treated with pelvic radiotherapy who has bladder side effects that continue after treatment, or begin months or years later. There is also information for carers, family members and friends.
About this booklet
This booklet gives information about possible side effects affecting the bladder caused by pelvic radiotherapy that continue on from during treatment, or begin three months or more after treatment. It describes treatments that can help, ways of managing late effects and signposts to other sources of support.
This booklet does not have information about bowel late effects of pelvic radiotherapy. We have another booklet about this called Managing the bowel late effects of pelvic radiotherapy.
Visit our online information about late effects of pelvic radiotherapy.
We want everyone affected by cancer to feel our information is written for them. To do this we use plain English and we try to make it accessible and relevant to the widest range of people. Read more about how we produce our information.
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