The cancer guide
A guide about cancer treatment and care. It explains the different stages people go through when they have cancer, the roles of various cancer care professionals and how to get additional support and information.
A guide about cancer treatment and care. It explains the different stages people go through when they have cancer, the roles of various cancer care professionals and how to get additional support and information.
About this booklet
The booklet explains what cancer is and what to expect when you have been diagnosed. It has information to help with emotional, practical and financial issues. It also explains where you can get more information and support. If you have the Macmillan Organiser, you already have a copy of the guide. If you would like to order one, visit
Being diagnosed with cancer can be a huge shock. You may be feeling lots of different emotions. But many people are treated successfully or able to live with cancer for many years. There are lots of people and services that can support you.
We want everyone affected by cancer to feel our information is written for them. To do this we use plain English and we try to make it accessible and relevant to the widest range of people. Read more about how we produce our information.
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