Michelle Evans-Fecci's pineapple upside down cupcake recipe

Put your bake-off skills to the test with this exotic, tropical pineapple upside down cake full of fruitiness.
Four cupcakes are on placed on a black board that is being held by a person wearing a blue with colourful polka dots apron. The cupcakes are topped with white frosting and a red cherry. The cupcakes are in white cupcake liners.

Key information

Preparation time: 20 minutes

Cooking time:1 hour

Serves: 12

Recipe difficulty rating: Medium

Allergens: Remember to provide a list of potential allergens for each item served at your Coffee Morning event so people can clearly see what ingredients they contain. You can use our cake labels, but make sure you write clearly in block capitals and black ink.


For the cupcakes

200g butter/margarine

200g caster sugar

200g self raising flour

1/2 tsp bicarb

3 large eggs

1 tsp vanilla

2-3 tbsp milk

12 pineapple rings

2 tbsp Demerara sugar

For the buttercream

150g softened butter

340g icing sugar

1/4 tsp coconut extract

1-2 tbsp milk

To decorate

Toasted desiccated coconut

12 maraschino cherries

Edible glitter (optional)

How to prepare Michelle Evans-Fecci's pineapple upside down cupcakes