Free from / vegan recipes
Get ready for your Coffee Morning with our range of free from recipes. A selection of vegan and free from dishes that you can serve at your event.
Caroline Quentin's gluten free chestnut cake recipeLooking for a gluten free cake recipe? Look no further than Caroline Quentin's sublime chestnut cake.
Gluten free black bean chocolate and chilli muffin recipeSpice up your Macmillan Coffee Morning with these gorgeous gluten free muffins. Chocolate and chilli, what's not to...
Gluten free blood orange polenta cake recipeGive your guests a taste of sunshine with this gluten free Italian-inspired dessert. Made from polenta, also known as...
M&S gluten free chocolate cookies with coconut cream recipeNo need to turn on the oven with these easy to make, no bake cookies. This delicious gluten free treat blends rich...
M&S vegan chocolate and orange cheesecake pots recipeAdd a little zest to your Macmillan Coffee Morning with this delicious chocolate orange cheesecake that's also...
Vegan coconut matcha tart recipeThe slight bitterness of matcha is complemented by the tropical taste of coconut in this sweet vegan treat.
Vegan lime, passionfruit and coconut cake recipeBursting with tropical flavours, this vegan cake is a tasty blend of lime, passionfruit and coconut. It is dairy and...
Vegan peanut butter and banana cupcakes recipeThis easy vegan peanut butter and banana cupcakes are easy to rustle up and sure to be a hit with those following a...
Vegan truffles recipeThese vegan truffles are an easy to make, no baking treat. Mix together dates and almonds with your favourite vegan...