Sweet treat recipes
Serve up a treat at your Coffee Morning with our selection of sweet treats. A range of sweet bite sized recipes that you can make to serve at your event.
Baklava recipeThis Greek classic combines delicious flaky pastry filled with nuts, honey and a warm hint of cinnamon.
Basbousa with almond recipeBasbousa is a sweet cake originating from Egypt flavoured with almonds and semonlina.
Blueberry and orange crumble muffin recipeOur blueberry muffin recipe with a twist is perfect for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack.
Cardamom cookies recipeWant maximum flavour with minimal effort? Whip up a batch of these chocolatey spiced cardamom cookies for your...
Chocolate cherry popcorn cakes recipeOur chocolate cherry popcorn recipe is perfect little treat.
Coconut raspberry and peanut slice recipeThis coconut slice recipe is a twist on a classic lunchtime favourite.
Granola bar recipeThese chewy granola bars are the perfect healthy snack. Our recipe includes how to make these bars with alternative...
Gulab jamun recipeA beloved Indian dessert that's sure to impress. These fried dough balls are made with sweet milk and served in...
Jemma Melvin’s kiwi and lime trifle recipeYou're in for a tangy treat with this green themed dessert. This fresh tasting recipe can make one large trifle or...
Lemon and ginger cheesecake recipeWith just a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of ginger, this deluxe lemon and ginger cheesecake is sure to be a crowd...
Lesley Nicol's pistachio and lemon friand recipeMake friends with a zesty pistachio and lemon friand. This nutty and sweet friand recipe is simple but delicious.
Luis Troyano's custard tart recipeLuis Troyano's twist on the classic Portuguese custard treat. Topped with a light dusting of nutmeg, this treat is...
Madeline Shaw's coconut macaroon recipeBring a tropical taste to your Coffee Morning with these coconut macaroons. They are sweet and crunchy, but also...
Michelle Evans-Fecci's pecan millionaire's shortbread recipeElevate your millionaire shortbread recipe with a unique twist to the classic dessert. With a blend of dates and...
Mont Blanc meringue kisses recipeThese eye-catching meringue kisses are so decadent, you'll think you're gliding down the fresh slopes of Mont Blanc...
No bake chocolate tart recipeYou don't even need to turn the oven on for this recipe. It only requires 3 ingredients and is easy to make so grab...
Peach and strawberry galette recipeBring a taste of summer to your Coffee Morning with this show-stopping peach and strawberry galette. Our recipe also...
Rocky road recipeA unique twist on a classic tray bake delight. This easy to make rocky road recipe combines honeycomb, dried fruit...
Salted caramel biscuits recipeThis salted caramel treat is sure to be a crowd pleaser at any Coffee Morning.