Ultra runner crossing the finish line

Race to the King

A route steeped in history, where you will follow in the path of Kings!
21 June 2025
West Sussex 

100km route: £40 registration fee + £550 sponsorship pledge

50km routes: £30 registration fee + £330 sponsorship pledge


About The Event

How to enter Race to the King

Dark green training shoes on a light green background.

Secure a Macmillan place

A dark green signpost with four different arrows on a light green background.

Use your own place

What's included?

You'll get full support and hospitality all the way, leaving you to focus on your challenge:

  • training programmes tailored to all levels
  • fully signposted trails for navigation in day & night conditions
  • routes through heritage sites, areas of outstanding natural beauty (AONBs) and along national trails
  • fully stocked pit stops including cereal bars, chocolate, sweets, fresh fruit, crisps, sandwiches and more
  • hot meals, showers, drinks, and sports nutrition
  • bag transport to the finish
  • qualified medical personnel at all pit-stops & medical clinics at basecamp & finish points
  • finisher’s medal
  • individual chip timing throughout the event.

Visit the Race to the King website to get a real feel for the Race to King experience.

Why should I join Team Macmillan?

Icon trophy
A green hand holding up a green circle with a white GBP symbol
Icon unopened envelope

But most importantly...

Event Accessibility

Race to the King FAQs

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Three people photographed from behind with their arms around each other wearing green Macmillan running tops

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