About the toolkit

From niche to necessity, genomic testing is now ready for rollout within the NHS. We want to help healthcare professionals deliver a gold standard of care to patients.

Genomics is rapidly becoming an integral part of cancer care. Its clinical significance will only increase in time, transitioning into a central pillar of routine cancer treatment and prevention. Macmillan understands the importance of supporting both those living with and beyond cancer, but also the people who make that happen: the healthcare professionals.

GMSA map

A map to highlight the boundaries when professionals are selecting their regional GMSA website.

Visit your regional Genomic Medicine Service Alliance (GMSA) website:

A headshot of Antigone Johnstone-Burt, Genomics Clinical Fellow at Macmillan. She is wearing a blue NHS uniform and her brown hair is tied back. She is smiling at the camera.

About the author