SWAG personalised care and prehab
12 October 2021
In this blog Helen Shallcross talks us through the initiative to broaden prehabilitation access in Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire (SWAG).
The initiative
This initiative was set up to:
- support the SWAG Cancer Alliance to to broaden access to prehabiliation
- meet government metrics for care.
What we did
- Looked at what there is in each community or hospital and mapped out services only available to some.
- Aimed to provide access to prehab evenly across SWAG Cancer Alliance.
- Meetings among Allied Health Professionals and subject matter experts to share knowledge and best practice to place on website for all staff working in cancer care.
Impact and outcomes
- Provided the opportunity for prehab information to help support staff in their work.
- Improved outcomes for people living with cancer.
Future aims
- Carry out a learning event to launch the platform and increase staff use.
- To have a lead Allied Health Professional in each Cancer Alliance (dependent on funding).
- To be on track for having 3 Allied Health Professional leads in the trusts to increase understanding of what AHPs do.
Find out more
You can contact the team by emailing Helen Shallcross at Helen.Shallcross@nbt.nhs.uk.
You can find Helen on Twitter @helenshallcross1.
Supporting your role
We support Allied Health Professionals in their roles.
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Stories And Media
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