How to fundraise for your Mighty Hike
There are so many fun and easy ways to reach your £250 pledge, from fundraising games to sponsorship forms, we have got you covered. It's time to kick-start your fundraising for Macmillan!
Online fundraising
The power of your pledge
Useful resources
Ali's Top Fundraising Tips
Meet Ali, who took on the Wye Valley Mighty Hike in 2023 and raised £1,589 with her team!
How did you raise such an incredible amount?
I think adding a personal element to my fundraising is what drove the amount I was able to raise. I shared my story and motivations for why I was doing the hike on all of my social media platforms, and it was amazing to see how many people shared a similar experience and were keen to donate.
What is your top fundraising tip?
Don’t be afraid to spend money to make money! It was necessary for me to spend some of my own money for things such as bake sales, but I always ended up fundraising way more money so I could reimburse myself and then donate the rest to my fundraising page. Especially when it comes to bake sales, people are always far more generous than you would expect when they see that you are raising money for such a worthwhile cause.
What is the best fundraising advice you can give?
It’s very nerve wracking signing up to a challenge when you know that you have to raise money, but I have always been shocked by how supportive people are! Don’t let that fear stop you from signing up to an event, Macmillan were there to support me with fundraising advice, and it meant I didn’t find the fundraising anywhere near as challenging as I first thought it would be.
Why is there a £250 fundraising pledge?
As for any charity, organising these events costs money. The £25 / £20 registration fee doesn’t cover all the costs of putting on a fully supported hiking series of this scale, so we have to set a minimum fundraising pledge. This ensures the costs of the event are covered so the majority of money fundraised is spent on our vital services to help people living with cancer. This is, of course, the main aim of the Mighty Hike series.
What is the minimum fundraising pledge if I sign up for multiple events?
Even if you have signed up for several Mighty Hikes, we still ask you to raise a minimum of £250 for each event.
I'm in a team, do we need to pledge £250 each?
Yes, the fundraising pledge is still £250 per person, but you’re welcome to combine your fundraising pledges into one team total. Remember to check out our 'Team Fundraising Guide'.