A person is putting a letter through a letterbox on a door. They are wearing a blue top. The door is black. The letter appears to be a Macmillan branded letter.


Microvolunteering is all about turning small actions into big impacts, in a way that suits you.

What is microvolunteering?

How you can help right now

  1. Use social media to raise money for Macmillan!
    WeAre8 is a social media platform with a difference, aiming to change the world for the better! Unlike other social media platforms, advertising income on WeAre8 is shared with its users, who can choose to pay it forward to their chosen charities. You can support Macmillan by downloading the app, heading to your ‘wallet’ and selecting Macmillan as your chosen charity. Then, every time you watch an advert on the platform, you will receive money into your ‘8 Wallet’ on the app, which you can then choose to pay forward to Macmillan. 

  2. Finish off your sweet treats to support Macmillan
    Do you have some Christmas treats to finish off? This year Greene King is running its successful Tub2Pub initiative again, letting you recycle your empty plastic confectionary and crackers tubs, saving waste from landfill and raising money for Macmillan.

    Over the last five years, Greene King’s Tub2Pub has collected 26,253kg of plastic, which is around 230,000 tubs, raising £23,908 for Macmillan. Last year alone, a record-breaking 150,000 plastic tubs were collected.

    To get involved, simply take your clean, empty tubs to a participating pub before 16th February.

  3. Learn about Grief, Loss and Bereavement, with our online course.

    We all face grief, loss and bereavement at some point in our lives, but it can still be a taboo topic for many people. While volunteering with us, you might encounter this in a number of ways; perhaps you will support people at end of life, or maybe members of the public will open up about their experiences, while you are representing Macmillan at an event.

    This short course will give you information help deal with these conversations, covering;

     - An introduction to grief, loss and bereavement
     - Supporting people who are bereaved
     - Having compassionate conversations
     - Signposting, and your wellbeing

    If you are a registered volunteer, please ensure you complete the form at the end of the course, to allow us to update your Assemble training record. 

  4. Have your say about the future of the NHS in England

    The UK Government have launched the biggest ever conversation on the future of the NHS and they want to hear from you. They're asking the public and professionals to share their views, experiences, and ideas - whether you have lots to say or only a little.

    This is a significant opportunity to make sure they hear from people with or impacted by cancer, as well as the professionals working hard to provide care. Our collective contributions could help transform cancer care, so we want to make sure they hear directly from as many of us as possible.

    Could you take 10 minutes to share your views and ideas?

    A megaphone alongside the words Make your voice count

Want to find out more?

Stephanie is standing outside behind a large heart shaped sculpture. She is wearing a grey cardigan, a patterned top and pink trousers. The sculpture has the words All You Need is Love written on them.

Steph's experience of microvolunteering

In 2023, Steph was diagnosed with incurable endometrial cancer. She started microvolunteering while recovering from treatment.

"Microvolunteering doesn't take lot of time or effort so it's great while I'm building my strength. I can do it from the comfort of my home or in my local area, and it only takes a couple of hours at a time."

View Steph's story