A guide for people with cancer and dementia
01 Nov 2020
Next review:
01 Nov 2023
This audiobook is about cancer and dementia. It is for anyone who has both cancer and dementia.
The audiobook explains what may happen after you are diagnosed with cancer. It also has practical advice about ways to look after yourself when you have cancer and dementia.
In this audiobook
- 1 Information about this audiobook and other support from Macmillan
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Understanding cancer and dementia
- 4 Your feelings about cancer and dementia
- 5 Dementia and treatment for cancer
- 6 Giving your consent for treatment
- 7 Planning for the future
- 8 Managing symptoms and side effects of cancer
- 9 Looking after yourself
- 10 Getting support and who can help
- 11 Palliative care
- 12 End of life
- 13 Financial help and benefits
- 14 About our information
- 15 Other ways we can help you
- 16 Other organisations
- 17 Further resources
- 18 Can you do something to help
- 19 Information about this recording
01 Nov 2020
Next review:
01 Nov 2023
This audiobook is about cancer and dementia. It is for anyone who has both cancer and dementia.
The audiobook explains what may happen after you are diagnosed with cancer. It also has practical advice about ways to look after yourself when you have cancer and dementia.
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How we can help
Macmillan Support Line
The Macmillan Support Line is a free and confidential phone service for people living and affected by cancer. If you need to talk, we'll listen.
Contact our money advisers
Our specialist money advisers can give you free and confidential advice and help you to find out what benefits and financial support you might be entitled to.