Work and cancer stories

Published: 28 November 2023
If you are affected by cancer, you may be wondering about how this could affect work. On this page, some of Macmillan's storytellers discuss common concerns about work and cancer.

Cancer experience at work

Helen sitting in a coffee shop smiling

Helen, diagnosed with breast cancer

Priti, diagnosed with leukaemia

Julia standing in office holding a book and smiling.

Julia, diagnosed with ovarian cancer

Helen shares her experience in the Talking Cancer podcast

In our Talking Cancer podcast, Helen shares her personal experience of being diagnosed with cancer 6 times across 30 years due to a hereditary gene. The podcast focuses on Helen's experiences around work, career and finances. 

Returning to work after treatment

A video still from a YouTube video titled Cancer, Work and Me. The video is part of Macmillan's Digital Storytelling project. The still shows a graphic called Wheel of Life.

Georgina's story

"When I returned to work having finished treatment I knew I wasn't ready to go back. But after my paid sick leave had ended I just didn't have the option. So when worked started saying the right things and telling me I could ease back into it I guess at that point I didn't realise what I was getting myself into."
Watch Georgina's story
A video still from a YouTube video titled My Fight Back to Work. The video is part of Macmillan's Digital Storytelling project. The still shows a photo of old books that are viewed from their spines.

Mhairi's story

"I was trying to stick my life together and fit into the old working life that I knew before surgery...but I didn't appreciate that with cancer comes grief. Grief for the loss of how you used to be."
Watch Mhairi's story
A green speech bubble.

Priti, diagnosed with leukaemia

A green speech bubble.

Online Community member


Judy, who supported her employee Julia at work when she was diagnosed with cancer

Juan sits smiling.

Juan, diagnosed with testicular cancer

Karin, diagnosed with breast cancer

Self-employment and cancer

Lloyd wearing a cap and black hoodie smiling.

Lloyd, diagnosed with lung cancer

Financial impacts

Cancer can have an impact on your finances, regardless of your work situation.  There is help available.
Shola on the street smiling.
Shola, diagnosed with thymus cancer
Jenny, diagnosed with breast cancer
Zizi sits on a green armchair smiling.
Zizi, diagnosed with sarcoma

Information and support

Macmillan is here to support you.