Carrot cake recipe

The carrot cake is a staple among the classics. With hints of cinnamon and nutmeg, a moist base and rich frosting, this is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
A two-layered carrot cake with white frosting is on a glass cake stand. On top of the cake is different garnishments like nuts and orange zest. Behind the cake stand is a plate with a slice of the cake on it.

Key information

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time:  15 minutes

Serves: 8

Recipe difficulty rating: Medium

Allergens: Remember to provide a list of potential allergens for each item served at your Coffee Morning event so people can clearly see what ingredients they contain. You can use our cake labels, but make sure you write clearly in block capitals and black ink.


For the cake

235ml vegetable oil, plus extra for the tin

100g natural yogurt

4 large free range eggs

1½ tsp vanilla extract

½ an orange, zested

265g self-raising flour

335g light muscovado sugar

2½ tsp ground cinnamon

¼ tsp fresh nutmeg, finely grated

265g carrots (about 3), grated

100g sultanas or raisins

100g walnuts or pecans, roughly chopped (optional)

For the icing

100g slightly salted butter, softened

300g icing sugar

100g full-fat cream cheese

How to prepare carrot cake