Luis Troyano's golden carrot cupcakes recipe

These carrot cupcakes with delicious golden cream cheese icing will be the brightest cakes at your Coffee Morning.
Many cupcakes are lined up in rows. The cupcakes have yellow frosting and are topped with a green flower sprinkle. The cupcakes are in gold metal cupcake lining.

Key information

Preparation time: 25 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Serves: 20

Recipe difficulty rating: Medium

Allergens: Remember to provide a list of potential allergens for each item served at your Coffee Morning event so people can clearly see what ingredients they contain. You can use our cake labels, but make sure you write clearly in block capitals and black ink.


For the cupcakes

325g finely grated carrot

250g raisins

3 medium eggs

150g caster sugar

50g soft light brown sugar

175ml corn oil

½ tbsp orange extract

½ tbsp vanilla extract

175g plain flour

1 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

1 tsp cardamom powder

1½ tsp cinnamon

1 tsp ginger

For the cream cheese frosting

250g cold full-fat soft cream cheese

140g icing sugar

1 tsp vanilla paste

125ml cold double cream

How to prepare Luis Troyano's golden carrot cupcakes