Vegan truffles recipe

These vegan truffles are an easy to make, no baking treat. Mix together dates and almonds with your favourite vegan chocolate, then top with zesty orange and sea salt. Pair with a warm drink - these are sure to be a hit.
Several truffles are placed on a mint green plate. The truffles are covered in chocolate, and some have a sprinkle of desiccated coconut. Next to the plate is a bowl of desiccated coconut.

Key information

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: None

Serves: 22

Recipe difficulty rating: Easy

Allergens: Remember to provide a list of potential allergens for each item served at your Coffee Morning event so people can clearly see what ingredients they contain. You can use our cake labels, but make sure you write clearly in block capitals and black ink.


24 medjool dates

80g almonds

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tbsp melted coconut oil

2 tbsp cocoa powder

Zest if half an orange

Pinch Sea salt

10g ground almonds

10g desicated coconut, toasted and ground

Zest of half an orange

How to prepare vegan truffles