Dr Rupy Aujla's Punjabi pakora recipe

Enjoy these flavourful Punjabi pakoras courtesy of Dr Rupy Aujla. Serve warm with a delicious chutney on the side.
A person in a white shirt is holding a pakroa in one hand and a plate of pakoras in the other. The person is only seen from the shoulders down. The pakroas are green and the plate is a light blue.

Key information

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Serves: 2

Recipe difficulty rating: Medium

Allergens: Remember to provide a list of potential allergens for each item served at your Coffee Morning event so people can clearly see what ingredients they contain. You can use our cake labels, but make sure you write clearly in block capitals and black ink.


For the pakoras

100g garden peas (fresh or thawed)

6cm piece of root ginger, peeled and finely grated

100g cooked puy lentils

100g cauliflower, coarsely grated

Handful of coriander (about 20g), leaves and stalks finely chopped

3 tsp garam masala

1 tsp cumin seeds

2 tbsp coconut oil

100g spinach, roughly chopped

1 free range egg

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

For the mint and coriander chutney

25g mint leaves

25g coriander (leaves and stalks)

1 green chilli, deseeded

½ apple, chopped (skin on)

150ml water

100g coconut yoghurt (optional)

How to prepare Punjabi pakoras